i see alot of people saying they can’t reset other players/not showing up for them it’s probably a bug but if you wanna still wanna reset players you...
i ran with multiple healers using this artifact and they cant heal the group like if you know you not doing well with that artifact why continue to...
as long as i been playing dc i never realized there’s no st patrick henchmen every other seasonal have one though why is that? would be nice to have...
i encountered this multiple times on 1st boss where if you start the fight and end up wiping it doesn’t let you back into the room which cause the...
Since there won’t be any update in the future for pvp might as well give pvp bonus marks since everyone mainly do pve and there’s still some players...
i was tanking today new elite raid and i kept rage crash (didn’t die) just kept seeing the explode animation i dont listen to the heartbeat just look...
as the title says skill points does not matter some been seeing videos saying it does or people say in game when it honestly dont been brought to my...
mepps will there be double xp for the artifacts soon? been a while
i redeem it and tried to go into my base and now get this long loading screen not able to log into my main toon but for my alts im able to get on is...
does anyone know if boo drops in the 4man event i know the utility belt does i just got it just wondering does the pet itself drop so i dont have to...
just curious in the near future will there be another double xp for artifacts maybe a triple xp
i would like to know why people above the cr of the content still cannot finish ZOO elite i finished it before solo sometimes 2 tanks but i came...
idk if anyone else noticed characters being updated for example supergirl in meta wing she looks like CW supergirl back then her style was different...
i been running contently lately started notice alot of people going precis using WM Dual wield> bow or Bow>Martial Arts and do crazy damage some...
have anyone ran into them players that be the cause of the group that keep causing the group to fail and you see them do a wrong loadout/use a move...
im very curious about some of the players that play this game don’t comprehend simple easy mechanics every time i get into a ssr group always 1 wipe...
Today i logged in dc on my alt see i was legendary which i still was then switch to my main toon see im premium was wondering why i wasn’t legendary...
As the the title says apparently the high cr suppose to 1shot everything for the low cr content im a 188dps went into trigon prison T5 and i was only...
DPS-(Damage Per Second) If your a dps or wanna know your in dps stance it will look like a Flame your job is to burn the ads or bosses fast not...
Yea like the title says based on your cr/skillpoints as titles i was thinking put the number of sp you have as a title or something like if you have...
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