It's been years since we've seen a new power, and have been told we probably won't see a new one any time soon. Why don't the devs develop a way...
Hey Devs! It's that tume of year again. I'm asking, will we as a community receive another Free CR Jump here in October as we have for the past...
Well it seems that each Destiny token is worth about $5. So would it be possible to have an 16,000 Ally Favor pack a 5 pack of Stabilizers and pack...
I have been talking with other players and they all agree that give us a choice would be beneficial to all players. Make it where the group decides...
Can we please have a fix for saving ally set ups to armories? I use different ally set ups for different armories and they will save as long as I'm...
I have done my Save the universe solo and went to Steve Trevor to claim it and he speaks but i recieve nothing from him and is not counting as...
We know Resergence Time Capsules are do to come out! Is there any word as in to when they will be released?
You rarely see quantum DPS especially since they Capped Time Bomb as other powers were adjusted Quantum was left floundering! Make Quantum...
What's the since in writing a bug report when Devs pick and choose what's important to them! I have wrote and read valid reports with no validation...
Quantums Lift is supposed to bring surrounding adds and do damge when Gravitron charged. I am not seeing this happen. Both on Sparing Targets and...
Keep trying to log on, but when I get to the screen to press X it does nothing! I've checked to make sure everything is updated and Restored my...
This isn't a bug per say, but more of a request to have looked into. I have seven toons all of which are up to endgame level CR with over 450 sp....
I have seven toons all of which are up to endgame level CR with over 450 sp. Have been looking at damage done by long cast time powers and have been...
I saw the Downtime for the test server on Jan. 24th stating it would be down for few hours, but I haven't been able to get back on since! Anyone...
I have tested a few by taking out core strength, max damage and a leaguemate took out his escalating might mod. All showed no change in damage...
Are you one who likes to push themself to become better? Would you like to be in a league with other adults who get along, joke, and help each other?...
Mepps, I know you probably get tired of being asked when are you going to drop another Double Artifact XP weekend and i have and idea that could help...
Is it possible to add a secondary mod slot to Op items? If it's truly OP then I believe this should be the case. This allows for players who have to...
I have recently switched to Rage and am liking it, but I have realized that when using Without Mercy it is working completely as described. It says...
Has anyone else been experiencing the eye of Gemini not popping when in Wolf form or Bug form when hitting a supercharge? When I hit it not only do I...
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