This is where the super hot PuG action is at right now, y'all.... [media]
Hello. We are Galactic Goonies. Some of us used to be in The Revengencers. Now some of us are Galactic Goonies. Here are some of us in a picture:...
To Whom It May Concern: Thank you for the Snowy Window base item in this year's seasonal content. It really helps accentuate the mood for a...
...when we didn't have replay badges and couldn't replay content? Or... when we couldn't just WALK into content whenever we felt like it? OR......
I saw Sore do it so I figured: why not? Please go to what that with to learn things and make with the giving. Ice water is COLD even when...
Superman, Supergirl and Power Girl do not have "Ground Pound" as part of their Brawling weapon tree in Legends. Can anyone tell me why they don't?
Why are the counter windows for different types of weapon attacks open longer than others. Only looking for honest answers beyond "different weapons...
Just like the title says. I'm genuinely curious about the need for a combat log. It rarely shows any effects to my toon in pvp or pve but has no...
Here's a little something I whipped up while watching tonights FNL. Mepps and Spytle can be funny. [IMG]
Since there won't be a FNL or Sourcecast tonight, we've decided to do our own stream. At 8:30 pm EST, we'll be streaming The Revengencers Friday...
Here's a pic of the Chest and Legs of the Prideful set: [IMG] Here's my question: Why does the underlining of the Chest piece have a "padded"...
This has been my experience: [IMG]
When I interract with Zatanna in the Wastelands to begin a new mission chain, there is no Voice Over as the mission accept screen appears....
This message just popped up today when I tried to log in. Here's what it looked like while I was validating the game assets... [IMG] The...
I've seen these before and was wondering if they are available as lair items. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Any help in regards to these items...
Here are three pages from our league comic book. Just posting here to share with everyone. Enjoy! [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
Separate names with a comma.