No. They are all Apples, all powers are powers. They are MEANT to be on par with each other. They are not, not even close.
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
This thread... Just the same people saying the same things over and over. There's no point of you all arguing if you're not even remotely close to...
I think everyone wishes that... Some type of "mercenary" middle-ground where you're on both sides but not really, depending on the situation. I...
Not true in the slightest. How do you think new players are doing it now? Why there's never any lower content being done and only high content?...
Inexperienced Punchline players are all over, all it takes is $20 of Replay Badges and a league to help you PUG stomp for 2 days and you've got...
An experienced Bloodbat player could take down an inexperienced and un-modded Punchline player regardless of how many SP either of them had.
I don't think they should remove Walk-Ins. People who like to do content with less players for reasons, or people who like to take league-mates on...
While I myself, want a more balanced PvP. The majority of people on DCUO don't want that, so no I don't think this is something to do. Besides, SP...
Alright.... If that's the Unicorn Trinket... I demand a nerf.
Not sure about all servers, but on USPC I find the Villains much "nicer". Many factors go into it. For one, the population, as MErcPony described.....
Ah yeah I didn't see that, so my bad. But yes, that's the "imbalance" of Might powers vs Precision powers in regards to the PvP weapons...
Maybe what you're really asking is, if we can get different animations for movement powers. Like Superspeed WITHOUT the bolts, Acrobatics without...
I always found Gadgets as the easiest power to use for DPS, especially in lower content. Really though, if you refuse to at least practice at...
I don't think he is saying they wouldn't benefit. All weapon damage would benefit the same yes. But powers that deal damage using Precision...
Their same sad excuse for why we can't have any new female hairstyles. Because they will "clip" through the current styles... I ,for one, am...
Yes, but that content wouldn't need to be discounted if they didn't make it easy for people to rush past it. If they kept it necessary like it...
They'd rather make all the colors of the rainbow for Lanterns. Yay... Serious note, they said the problem with making a "Wind" based power is the...
Sure, DCUO 2 would be nice... Whole new story line, put CR locks on Walk-Ins so the game stays healthy, and make it only for PS4 and PC with...
Between walk-ins, replay badges, and tradable gear.. People get to T5 on new characters in under a week. That's why they are so bored.
Separate names with a comma.