Alright funhousians! Elections are once again upon us! Choose your running mates/cabinets! As much as it pains me to potentially lose my seat as...
So I was watching Red VS Blue recently and got to thinking.. How AWESOME would it be to have a DCUO version with a bunch of us forumites?! May take...
Announcing the return of the Justice Girls on the USPS server! If you're looking for a fun, leisurely league to be a part of, look no further!...
It's like shaking the ol' magic 8-ball.. With much more vague responses.
Hi! On behalf of myself, Celeste Arcana, and the rest of the Justice Girls, I'd like to thank you for being interested enough to take a peek inside...
Ok so check it out.. A couple of weeks ago I'm hanging out in the magic wing when this female toon runs up to me and sends me a tell. "Can I join...
Hey all! After a lengthy hiatus, I'm proud to announce not only my return, but the return of the Justice Girls USPS!!! Not that we ever truly left,...
Never mind
If you're looking for a friendly league, full of helpful, active members, look no further! The Justice Girls are recruiting all levels and all CRs!...
Here's how I imagine Celeste: [IMG]
So apparently people are now buying other peoples' phones that have the game Flappy Bird on them.. For THOUSANDS.. Of dollars. Saw one posted for...
Aha! Now we have a place for random shenanigans! Productive, random shenanigans of course...
If its not terribly troublesome I was wondering if someone could help me with a custom signature with my toon? I'm on the USPS server if that helps...
Ugh.. As much as I love the original 'The Crow' with Brandon Lee, I'm really not sure what to think about this upcoming reboot. I mean, as far as...
Does anyone know of a way to make high quality recordings of gameplay on the PS3, like many people do for the PC. I know on the PC you can use a...
Lets see how many of you REALLY like me! :p
I had the greatest idea I've ever had in relation to playing this game.. Usually when I play I throw on some tunes. Maybe some Paramore, Evanescence,...
So I was just thinking.. As dangerous as that usually is for myself and anyone around me. What if, the devs added a new feature that allowed you add...
So.. As I typically do, I was browsing these forums today, reading and writing and having loads of fun with you fine folk. And as I wrote and read...
Separate names with a comma.