I LOVE THIS!! This is something I learned over time growing up(especially dealing with kids) but sometimes you do have to do the one knee...
Far my personal story. Yesterday, I solo pug omibus raid, and got q'ed into Paradox Wave (first time). I don't know about you guys, but the concept...
Firstly, I thank you for not only voicing your concerns and experience, but you gave ACTUAL solutions to help with the problem. That is a rare...
As an advocate for stat clamping, I will speak this. What this update will do to the game 3 weeks, 3 months, 3 years from now. I, nor anyone...
Nothing to serious about what im about to reply, just me reminiscing. Ima be honest, I do have a pet peeve of someone eating on the mic. Now...
I too, was gonna respond with something along the lines ' its free. Why even ask others opinions '? But I wanted to be nice lol.
You're cosplaying a villain very well lol. I can see that. You have people like that, but theres also lovely people like you who are more...
At the end of the day, your feelings are justified and you have the jurisdiction not to speak at all, if you are uncomfortable. However, be...
Mmmmmmmm. You actually touch on a topic that a friend and I have been discussing alot recently. And If I may.... with all that seems to be going...
What ikr. Going back to the days of thinking you're doing fine in Prime Battle Ground, then the LFG leader sends you a pm "Hey, come to...
Awwwh, chimone Ryazan. They're kids lol. We all needed a Mother/Father figure in our lives once in awhile :rolleyes:
Wanted to balance out the Constructive Criticism Crowd VS the Fear Mongering Crowd war thats going to be going on for awhile, by adding my own...
Actually, hold that thought :)
Besides what Jafin mentioned, its not enforced but another way you can tell is by looking around the group names UI. Far as what I believe,...
Just finished doing Phantom Zone alert and after last boss 1st wipe (can't let zod team escape with all supplies) I vouched "Hey, let me go troll,...
I support and hope that this standpoint eventually will be viewed and refelcted upon by both sides. The devs have openly said they want this...
Playa..... First off just from reading a few keypoints in your statement, I can tell what you think is happening in this update is way off....
Im curious on your statement here. Correct me if im wrong please. So from your research, 90% of peeps in game hate this idea(which entails...
Well thankfully I come from the standpoint that just because everybody have an opinion doesn't mean its not a dumb opinion. The devs obviously...
Lol, so this is what we're doing now.. You folks against dcuo trying to improve the game are really showing your true colors ya know.
Separate names with a comma.