There is absolutely no good reason for EMP to have such a small range. There is no risk/reward in any other pure might AM aside from being vulnerable...
Split personality legs on female characters are causing a distorted visual glitch from the waist down
While it's still shorter than it had been, once the 5 minute timer runs out, you are still unable to warp to base for at least another two minutes....
Yet again the USPS4 is having login issues... been getting the error for 30 minutes now.
USPS4 is having login issues.
The Granite Statues that you need to activate and defend are not spawning at all. I've attempted it in both pve and pvp phases, didn't make a...
Something is causing catwoman to glitch where you are unable to use any weapon attacks or powers (all are removed from the tray leaving a blank...
Both players on my team and the opposite side are constantly disappearing and re-appearing in this legends map. Please look into a fix. USPS3
The grounding effects in both the main room and side boss tunnels are interrupting channeled powers while equipped with the Empowered Channeling...
Hard light was finally given a ranged defense debuff, but unfortunately it is a power that is vulnerable to interrupt (for some reason) making it...
It seems every single time I que this arena up either myself or someone else on my team starts the match underneath the map. This has been happening...
Stasis field is not applying the defense debuff if anything blocks your line of sight to the target. The initial burst and DOT are applied, but the...
Controller power sets are still unable to complete this style feat even though Viking was made a fairly common drop with Origin Crisis. Please give...
Upon successfully defeating Steel, T.O. Morrow refuses to open the shield for the last piece of tech and instead seems to teleport around his robots...
The rewarding of player kills for bounty posters seems to be all over the place in arenas. I just finished a 2v2 batcave arena. I had 7 kills and it...
Hello all, HeroHuntersINC are looking to recruit several VERY ACTIVE pvpers who are looking to excel at competitive pvp. We are looking for Tanks,...
Placing the opposing teams rock on the circle where you score causes the rock to glitch where it cannot be returned by the opposing team if your rock...
My main has been at full t4 pvp since a couple weeks after the armor was put into the game, as I am an avid pvper. Every single time a weapon drops...
Separate names with a comma.