Some new reviews on my site...
My god... Another batman/gotham episode... you guys do know there are more heroes in DC than Batman. I am willing to venture a guess there are more...
Made a post to tribute the heroes of 9/11 9/11: The Dual Legacy of Tragedy and Unity - (
I have a review website I just started up... its just my impressions and views/opinions of games, movies, and tv shows.... I recently did a...
II'm gonna start making a detail analysis on various movies and games. These reviews will be just my "in the moment" opinions and feeling about the...
I posted a comparison on these two games to show that MMO's do not have to be repetitive. DCUO is extremely repetitive with so many limitation....
The problem is they have a routine and a cycle... No matter what content they put in game, it's all the same in a different environment. Gonna have...
I'm trying to get into the marketplace but it's endlessly loading?
It would be nice if we could have shared currency but not shared locks. That way, we can use our alts to gear up our main fast then continue to get...
Please start adding quality to the game, not quantity. I posted in another thread but I wanna make sure it's heard. This game is a redundant...
there are 2 bugs as of now. I just changed my lair to the HoL lair and 2 things I noticed. 1. Respec, Mail, and Broker stations all have the same...
As of now, people are bored with the redundant DLCs and Episodes. They get on for a month, get all the feats and gear, then disappear. Know why? It's...
Didn't see any announcements about test server being down?
When will you guys make both sides of powers equal? I mean, like electric powerset. Everyone knows that using powers that uses the Electrify...
Any chance of these costumes from Justice League cartoon... Justice Lords. [IMG] Also, what about Superman Red and Blue,
There are literally over 10,000 DC characters in the DCU, and yet we keep getting focused on mainly Batman, with a few Superman, Aquaman (only b/c of...
Nothing posted on what we are getting this week?
I looked at the developer discussions topic and noticed...they only talk about " Tell us what Base items you would like to see next!", or, " Tell us...
What do you do if you have everything already you can buy with the fate tokens? The daily rewards mean nothing. Most of us end users really don't get...
When will the census data be back up and running?
Separate names with a comma.