Lol, and what with the important stuff on the destiny tokens, those are the ones that really matter
You are very wrong sir, superman is the biggest genocidal after god itself, every battle in metropolis let houndres of corps without life, like...
What tha hell we can expect from DCUO (NOTHING), they just put content and content on a VERY OLD hardware, we are on 2022, but they still in an...
The idea behind a comic-based game is awesome (even to players who no are FAN-COMIC like the creators (is somenthing obvius)), the cinematics are...
Say it like is a recent "issue" is somenthing players experienced time ago, more since the last DCL, don't see this game gonna be in-playable...
For sure they don't gonna give anything as allways (only 2 times in the recent months in 10 years) for the inconvenience for the time we lost (don't...
Well if u read some of the things i say in the forums in this almost 10 years, u gonna understand why no one wanna play with me and is fine, i...
Sorry for that dude u gonna lose one day of the double marks, but they CAN NOT doit in less time, they still using the same software and hardware...
What do u expect, is a pay to win game, obviously broker is part of that, and now the feats as well, why do u think the maximum amount of cash for...
what is needed to remove the body colision in the game?. Is very annoying and frustrating can't move when are surrounded by other players, in most...
3:00 A.M. US - 7:00 P.M EU reinicio del juego: instancias y misiones 8:00 A.M. US - 10:00 P.M. EU reinicio de servidor
Al riezgo de equivocarme diria que te equivocas, es un solo servidor, si no fuera asi porque las actualizaciones son a la misma hora si son...
Largate del EU lo mas pronto posible, han hecho lo mismo durante estos 10 años y dudo muchisimo q dejen de hacerlo si no les representa grandes...
Okay, then make paying so much money worth it, because right now it's not worth it. What is the use of buying the DLCs if I can not access all...
You right, but in his job he must be like a politician, and that is the things politicians do: say A LOT saying nothing (cantinflear) And you...
Maybe no many people knows, but are jokes about the development team, like they no play the game at all cos no fix many things in this 10 years,...
If read this long accumulated experience trought my more of 9 years here, don't answer any, if maybe, maybe want to hear what kind of stuff non...
You right, are MANY MANY more things to fix, and to improve to have a better experience interacting with the stuf inside, like mail, bamk,...
That's means u play less online games that the fingers u have in one hand. In the 9 years i playing this one is the first time i know about...
As you say, you mistaken, that downtime is since January 2011 as well the daily "reset", they decide for some reazon(company owner, ceo's,...
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