Can we get some super Saiyan hairstyle?
I have no power issues using orb,i ran sm round 30 and elite raids with it.It can be handy artifact.
When i use mercy attack power it keeps removing my supercharge. This happens when i have Quislet,source and grim artifact equipt. Please fix
Mepps you guys need to come with some better rewards. This is just lazy,i know you guys short staffed but this is not acceptable.Its time to wake...
Yeah you got a point there. Maybe only trade with league mates or when they have acces to you base?Most likely these should be people you know.
I agree something needs to be done,its getting out of hand. Also devs needs to increase droprate of premium boxes too. Increase the cap on the broker...
Can't login im stuck at connecting screen.
Oh i see im so confused with all these different streams
They did stream and they rewarded a new material called disruption material. [media]
When is the next Devstream? seems like im always missing out on those rewards.I don't see any announcements about Devstream or im i missing...
Npc base items and iconic base items
Lagg is crazy and its hard to get back in i was middle in a raid come onnnnnn
Yes im getting error code 0x0018. I just made a post in bug section. Some authentication issue or something.
Im getting "There was an authentication issue connecting to the world" im not able to log in after the update please fix this.
Everytime when i loggin i have to be reinvited on my own chat channels.Whats going on with these channels they completely been removed.
Update: its fixed now thx
Hello devs, I logged in today after reset and went to my base but it was empty. My base items, amenities,generator,teleporter, vendors and control...
Hello, I logged in today after reset and went to my base but it was empty. My base items, amenities,generator,teleporter, vendors and control panel...
Im not getting reward day 21 still stuck at day 20.
Problem with this is people have life outside dcuo. Its never going to be enough for certain people. If they want a challenge its fine but I don't...
Separate names with a comma.