I think that the blue, round mock cell shaded ui of DCUO is outdated and so last gen. Many games like COD, Battle field, Mortal Kombat, Injustice etc...
The loading screen tips are off putting and disturbing, they seem very out of place and they make me feel bad. Does anyone else feel this way?
Make pvp consumables purchaseable for marks of valor for use in arenas.
On the villain side, two mission givers who gave a mission worth 1 makr each haven't reset for me and they've been that way since the dlc came out.
video was innappropriate, taking it down.
With the share feature, we can easily capture video and screens of bugs and glitches and other things we want the devs to see!
Position your camera so that is phases through your head, and you'll see teeth!
My name is Kaleb57, Destroyer of Worlds, I'm a top tier lvl 30 villain on the USPS3 server, I am in dire need of a Hero to arch. If you are a top...
I'd personally like for the death pose to be changed from a kneel to a sprawled out pose, like the character were actually knocked out
We should be able to pick different weapon skills to use as our tap melee, tap range, hold melee and hold range attacks, kinda like Batmam and...
Who would you like cast in the Justice League movie as what character and why?
The power generator can get stuck in one place and be impossible to pick up, this makes the game unfair as it often gets stuck on the scoring side of...
Got any?
I'll be working out for football, then I'll play call of duty.
It seems that DPS can choose pretty much whatever powers they want on their loadouts and still fulfill their roles, but the support roles (Controller...
I was in a 5v5 watchtower and I was stuck doing one damage every hit, any one else have this problem?
Hey guys, if you could plan an evil scheme in DC Universe online, what would it be? I would first use my gadget powers to blow up half of gotham...
Energy shield doesn't always activate when you have the blue ring around you and you fall below 35%.
A friend of mine told me one of the reasons he doesn't play this game anymore is that it doesn't feel like an MMO. Good examples of MMO games are...
Does any else feel like the damage debuff is useless im pve due to the small amount of damage it reduces? If anything, it should be a 50% damage...
Separate names with a comma.