This is me just spit balling and idea but why don't we have a thanksgiving day event, we have a perfect set up for it including a forced awkward...
Looking for a good mental dps loadout for my nightwing using either martial arts or brawling
Because it is for me and it 830 est
I'm looking to make Bette Kane aka flame bird/ fire hawk, my question should I go with fire or atomic?
looking to get a picture with all four of the cyborgs involved in triborg from mkx, I only need three models using a hero with a stryker body...
Im looking for a lot of current and former titans and young justice iconic toons, I am Nightwing and Ravager, and need just about anyone I can get.
I've brought this idea up before but I figured I'd repost it to see what other people think. I would love to see purchasable reskins for powers,...
I need to know where to get the curved blade style particularly for a tank. I've made a Talon and need knives.
I was wondering if anyone had any pictures of the two cowles that come with the pack, 20 dollars is a bit much for the just two things but I really...
I'm using lightning, my current cr is 97, at the time I'm trying to be a healer and my main weapon has to be dual wielding, I have over 90sp maybe...
I've asked this before but it's still something I'd love to see is customizible vehicles, such as motorcycles cars jets and helicopters, they can act...
So I've been playing pvp a lot lately and I've run into a couple game breaking glitches. The first Invisible opponents, now more often this happens...
Wasn't sure where to put this thread exactly and I know I'm not the first or only person to say this, but can we please get katanas styles for back...
It is currently 10:42 est as I post this, as of update 49 I cannot access my character select on any profile of my play station but I see that the...
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