i'm doing great numbers on my rage toon with strategist card, transformation card and omega totality DPSing
how's it going guys! recently made a rage toon and I was wondering what powers/rotation to use for DPS and tank roles? and who are the best allies...
we should be able to turn in favor from other allies for 50% like the artifact XP, yay or nay? and also---what about favor boosters like we have...
oh this was a long LONG time ago during the OLD T-4 days, when gates and prime were the newest content. I just do my own thing now, and all of...
my old league used to have a requirement that to run raids with them you had to have at least half vendor gear (when it was the highest) and I...
*In-game name: Mr Lockwood -Faction [Hero/Villain]: Hero -Server/Game System [USPS, USXB, EUPC, etc.]: USPS -Combat Rating/Stat Points: CR 462,...
lantern content is long overdue
if anyone would like to take a tour of my base The World (featured in one of Achikahs Base Off videos), please send an in-game email to Green Charlie...
remember when people wanted a star sapphire lantern healer set?
i've been meaning to message you achikah----i was beyond humbled at your in-game email telling me I placed on the last competition, thank you for the...
I agree with your viewpoint and would like to subscribe to your newsletter
I would say "mepps gotta eat" but...well.... who the f IS in charge around here now, anyways?
thank you. ticket submitted, now I wait.
i've never sent in a ticket before, how do I do that?
i'm in the same boat. I came back a little while ago, got 2 toons up to max with the newest episode, ground SP, and now i'm just sitting here like...
on PSN store it says promotion ended sometime in 2017, sooo i think this is a case of OOPS. not sure why it's still listed on the store...
how do i claim it? i'm owed 2, i bought the 15K marketplace cash for 99.99 twice and nothing is in my mail or claim spot on the MP tab in-game....
i'll add you to my friends list and look for you as soon as i get on.
nah i'm cool on that, big dog
hi there! remember friday night legends? episode 25? yeah that was us. and that was my old-style base. bad news good news----we went dormant for...
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