When i use mercy attack power it keeps removing my supercharge. This happens when i have Quislet,source and grim artifact equipt. Please fix
Can't login im stuck at connecting screen.
When is the next Devstream? seems like im always missing out on those rewards.I don't see any announcements about Devstream or im i missing...
Im getting "There was an authentication issue connecting to the world" im not able to log in after the update please fix this.
Everytime when i loggin i have to be reinvited on my own chat channels.Whats going on with these channels they completely been removed.
Hello, I logged in today after reset and went to my base but it was empty. My base items, amenities,generator,teleporter, vendors and control panel...
Hello Devs, Please make resurgence caps stackable,it can't be that hard. Thx
Whats going on with the daily rewards,i cant claim day 2 for some reason. Please can i have my rewards please.
I logged in today and the graphics of the game looks really bad. Screen looks darker and shadows are wrong for some reason. Anyone else have issues...
I have been checking the broker for days and there are no cosmic chromas there.How are we suppose to get them if there is no way getting them?Also I...
I noticed as soon Christmas was over these seasonal collections stopped dropping devs fix this only few days left to complete it. Also why aren't we...
Hello devs, I just came back from a week vacation,I logged in but the granted daily item box won't go away and I also not able to go to market place...
I'm not able to log in anyone else have this error?
Hello I just logged in and chats and league our down. It tells me I'm not in a league but I'm still in a league. Other people ingame having the...
I noticed on test server at lvl 30 im not getting golden eggs not sure this is a bug. If not then at what cr are we going to get those golden eggs?
Which style do I need to collect for this feat because I'm confused. I have full Mera and spindrift style feat did not pop. Did I collect the wrong...
Whats up everyone is it just me or did they downgrade the graphics? Colors on aura and material look downgraded somehow not as shiny as before. thx.
Hello Devs, Time capsule quality item drop rate is pathetic you need to do something about it. I really feel this can easily be solved by either...
Where is the style cant find it on the vendor?
Devs, Please make vindictive essence,time warp essence and monstrous essence account bound please. Playing with alts would be more rewarding plus...
Separate names with a comma.