Obviously, this whole concept and story won’t come to fruition until next year and a lot of people been speculating and hinting out what they think...
I bought the marketplace coins that give you 1000 and it went through my bank and everything, but I never received the coins on the actual game. Does...
Ahh ok perfect thank you all have a marvelous day :)
I won’t make it to this day in time how will I ever receive this item to come pass ?
That’s a start I’ll take it blue lantern things next please :)
Will we see a 2x or 3x for the new currency
Will they’re ever be a double or triple mark for the new currency the connies coins especially with new boss coming would be awesome opportunity :)
My characters legs be tired of all the running I just need teleporter lol scratch that just make new movement mode teleportation :)
Glad the npc are helping more now they need to learn to do pick ups like Batman in nexus if reality and paradox wave :)
Guess im terrible player and needed the extra assist :(
Ahh ok gotcha thanks everyone for the feedback have a glorious day my friends :)
When I rescue civilians specifically the ones floating in the air with purple aura field around them it said 0/8 right well when completed it says...
Some say the point of test server is to see how many people they can idk tick off by not listening and implementing what they say and in that case...
Welp they fix brimstone so it takes 1 time now so they listen to us there but i highly doubt they will even glance at this thread sense they’ll make...
Firestorm dlc would be sweet and swamp thing dlc would be nice as well :)
Completely Agree Keep Our Heads Up And Who Knows
Whoot whoot sounds good please let us know when the issue resolved please with a cherry on top extra sprinkles :)
episode 49 and episode 50 is when we will see the real change I think who knows who says we’ll see till next time :)
Separate names with a comma.