I had Qed for the Omni Alert, and TDe for STU. The Omni popped, and it was TD Omni edition. I thought sure I'll run it for the Omni. Got locked on...
Grindy / checklist feats should be account bound. Feats like kill x paradox Reapers, or kill these bosses in this raid. Sure you can do it all on...
Adaptive (Episode) Augments should have a 100% breakthrough rate for all ranks.
If you can not tank and spank, and there are legit mechanics you need to follow, and can not just burn through. Those raids should not be in Omnibus.
I'm aware the four armories at a time is due to the limitations of the console, but why not make it so when you hit the two bumpers it loads a wheel...
The most important scene in the entire film was Nicolas Cage Superman. I'm pretty sure the Villain is supposed to be a mix of Savitar and Red Death....
The Switch has horrible, sometimes almost unplayable amount of lag. We know it's not an issue with the server, as when you guys port into the Switch...
Reverse Flash Black Flash Professer Zoom Red Death The Batman Who Laughs Future Lex Cybernetic Lex Professer Lex General Lex Space Commander Lex...
Join us every Tuesday at around 7:30 est on the US Switch server for good 'ol fisticuffs. Get your gear, and your pvp feats.
After one has full renown, the badges are pointless. Making them account bound might be an option, but I'm not a fan of getting renown, at least...
Organize Adaptive Augments by the episode, not by the rank. Let us salvage gear boxes w/o having to open them. If we have all the styles, and we...
As the title suggests the bounties in Patchwork, and 31st are not spawning.
- Marks - Unequiped gear - Friend's list / ignore list - grindy feats ( bounties, Paradox Reapers, Checklist feats). You only get the Feat for the...
So why isn't there a warning when buying Damge Gear, like there is for Tank, Healer, and Troll? My Quantum toon is Troll Only, and I bought DPS waist...
There's no reason for Vampire Bat, The Boos, and The Father/Mother Boxes to share the same cooldown.The differenent Boos, or The Boxes sharing a...
It's cool that I can wear the Jolly Beard on a female character, but what's not cool is I have to choose between having a cool eye style, or an...
Separate names with a comma.