Made a thread about this a while ago. Not many replies,...
Nature is easily more efficient that sorcery. Electricity is about the same. Shard is good but the stun doesn't last particularly long at all.,...
I agree it can stand on its own, however that doesn't mean it is entirely balance. As I said it is easier and more power efficient as other powers.
Simply put sorcery is lacking in many areas. It's basic premise is to heal or do damage depending on role though the use of pet, while using...
Made a thread a couple of days ago, saying that the move 'Rage Bringer' in the new Rage power was not getting agro, it was just pulling. A few...
Okay thanks for the confirmation :)
A few tanks in my league have said that rage bringer doesn't taunt adds, it just pulls them towards you. Just wondering if this is intentional.
Yeah objects count. Another rage tank tired in the watchtower on the dummy's and got to like 20/25k.
It is pretty awesome. Haven't tried it myself but form tanks in the league they've said it is fire but with better healing and health raising :D
Yeah 730000. Was in his base while attacking me, no troll present xD. One power got him to 50k so we tried to spam it as much as we could with supply...
How high have you been able to get your health as a rage tank? League mate got up to just over 730k xD
Pretty sure that its just lag. I know when you induce a bit of lag by jumping and quickly opening and closing the menu you can appear for fall...
Any chance of us getting a bow using character in legends? I love using the bow but can't use it in legends as no character currently uses it. I'd be...
Thank you for the replies. I'm glad that it isn't just my leagues tank that is noticing a difference.
I'm not talking about in the tunnel. I'm talking about in the main room. Should've made that clearer, I'm sorry. Also I know fire tanks raise their...
Anyone else experiencing higher than normal damage? Again it isn't they player as he has tanked the whole raid before but is now getting hit harder...
He has never been ice and used to tank the Ravenger in one place when he was previously fire. He never got hit for 10K before, the most he got hit...
One of my league mates occasionally fire tanks when he is want to tank. However he went fire last week and now is having trouble in Para. He says he...
I want my DLC as well. So I I'm happy to wait, but we have been waiting for a long while have we not?
I dot usually dps as I'm a healer so now works for healing. But when I dps I use MA because bow just doesn't compare.
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