Even just after daily shut down, the login time was around 5 min. This seems to be the norm atm. I know all our league members are regularly...
Randomly and definitely not rarely, I am unable to cancel out acid spray or fury with a heal when needed. Not sure if it's a timing issue, I have...
Twice in a row, in the themy command centre, WW just stays in the room trying to kill an ally ad after the ads are defeated. She won't move on....
After a two month break I really didn't expect to be playing much more DC, nothing to do with the game, more so I've just played it to death, but...
I'm in Australia and I was paying 36.95 for a 3 month sub, but this option is no longer available to me offering me a much higher price of 52.95. I...
I have 1710 staion cash but every time I click on an item I the sale won't complete.I was able to buy station cash, but I'm unable to spend it. Ps4...
I'm sure this idea has been posted many times before, however I would love to see some support all in the one thread for the idea of combining...
I need someone in the know to clear something up for me. When a healer's heal crits, do the other players being healed get the bigger heal also ,or...
Months ago a league member ran into problems buying his station cash via the PSN store (ps4). After he made the purchase he became worried when the...
This is a common occurrence. It varies in where and for how long, but my powers always lock up at some stage and usually when I'm healing. Also, I...
I admit to using a few power respec tokens over the last few months so I dare say that's the cause of my controller being stuck in red for all my...
Prob been suggested a million times, and prob been explained why one isn't in there....Still, would love it if I could reset my powers just a few...
This message keeps comin up and my armouries won't work. Each time I try to enter my base to check them I get logged out. Any1 else having trubs with...
For the last 24 hours I have ben getting terrible lag that is making the game virtually unplayable. I have checked my internet speed, which is 12.2...
After I logged in, the program immediately crashed. Then I logged back in to find all my pre-saved settings wiped. Chat tabs, profanity filter, scale...
Before the update I was half way through the T3 PvP stuff, but now at the vendors I am only getting to choose T2 pieces of armour to buy. I don't...
Or at least make the reward for completing them just the emblems. They shouldn't be feat point reward based. Apart from the egocentric ***' that...
Currently I am consistently getting bounced back to the launch pad. It is happening to another league member also using a ps4.
If it hasn't been reported already, here it is. Fairly minor, but a little annoying. On ps4, if you try to change styles in your lair it always seems...
Never noticed this site before. I thought this was the only official dcuo soe site. Wanna check it out but need to know it's legit b4 i login with my...
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