You just listed combat mechanics I understand well how the game works but I'm more than willing to show you , champion, see me on uspc. I'll be...
You're off base with your argument. Besides the combat mechanics ( which both rage and Circe break) there are no outstanding similarities
Well I play basketball let me give you tips on's a sport to so I know about it -_- Well I play basketball let me give you tips on...
So what you're saying is you don't put ray Allen in the game because Kobe is more popular Or you leave out Phil Mickelson or whatever his name...
Clearly a lot of these players are closed minded comments like " lanterns is important to DC so them making a ton of them is reasonable :/) Water is...
Well sabigya I find it hard to take the word of a legends player when it concerns arenas. When I see players say "gu41" is the answers all I see is...
Alright I see a lot if people giving outdated information. The old way was to use xp booster and doing races. As a few have said simply do the main...
They changed the way you lvl. Your way is outdated
Just curious if the uppercut into haymakers wm combo is going to be fixed. They effectively killed Ma with it's pathetically slow wm combos and long...
So as a tank pretty much I'm simply a DPS with slightly less DPS and slightly more health? If so I'm not seeing the reason to be more than a DPS in...
True but in open world they remain. On pc majority PvP is open world
I swear no one have creativity Weapon: whip should have been put in ages ago Power: bane style...I've been saying this for ages easy tank power (...
Well if anyone have read any of my past post it's always been about PvP balance. With the recent changes to rage I felt there was finally a balance...
I like everyone thoughts so far...kinda want more of a take on heals though.
Wanted to give you bit of advice about fire and my load out. Burnout and burning determination both provide a heal and immunity for your entire...
I had to comment on this post. I've noticed this since GU 29ish (took a short break). I haven't gone a day where my breakout was a issue. I would tap...
I'd like more feedback from the community
I just wanted to give and see everyone opinions now I nor have you tested out the new session so there's no wrong opinion Healers: I feel they're...
So in arenas penetrating strike is being taken out. No way of debuffing a shield class and every class has similar gear spec. I'm just gonna wait...
It's like taking a 16 year old virgin and putting him in a room with a pornstar with huge ***** lying naked on a bed. Does the virgin have to go feel...
Separate names with a comma.