Hi guys, I'm currently making a Thor Clone, Ragnorok style and I can't seem to find a sleeveless chest piece anywhere, does anyone know where I can...
Where can i get an accesory like that?, something easy to get, that's not to big, but not to small either. Thanks guys
I've almost finished my first months membership, and I'm wondering if it is actually worth buying another month, or just sticking with premium, what...
So i'm working on a few styles, and i want to make an iron man too, where can i get the Cybernetic style peices from? And if i can get them on the...
Hey guys, I'm currently putting together a Thor Style and I'm wondering about a Helmet, I can't seem to find a suitable one at the moment. Anyone...
Hi guys, I've been considering purchasing a Months Legendary, but I'm unlikely to be able to roll it over every month, due to personal financial...
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