So... when will we be able to access our league vault and check renown? It's been glitched since the DLC dropped. I'm sure somebody has already...
Weren't there supposed to be rewards for the groups that got the furthest in Survival Mode? Have those been given out yet? If not, when?
Can someone kindly explain to me why the Grim artifact now is better for a Prec DPS than the Venom Wrist Dispenser? If this has been covered before,...
How about implementing some sort of "guest book" function to our lairs. It could have the following functions among others: 1) Letting us know who...
Seriously... whoever designed the acrobat races in this game.... smh...
An old bug has reared its ugly head again.... Today while playing the Batscape Duo on Nintendo Switch (US), Batman never appeared in the Oblivion...
Sorry... I'm so bored with the game right now and just realized that we have a full month (and possibly then some) before the next DLC drops. For...
Today I was in an event version of the DM raid. Overall, it was running very smoothly, there was never any danger of everyone wiping and having to...
Ummm... is there a vendor where we can purchase these in the game? Or are they strictly from drops? I've finally gotten my DM II augments to 15 and...
Quick question... I know that Skip to CR 250 users got an artifact starter pack, correct? At least that's what I saw on YouTube. I didn't receive...
First of all, thank you Dev Team for the abundance of gifts this week. We all appreciate them. I don't want to sound unappreciative, but why does...
While in the Metropolis area of the Anniversary Event, after fighting some Qwardians and then turning the cog on one of those energy type pods on the...
Just ran into a bug at the end of the Phoenix Cannon Raid (event) - (Nintendo Switch / US) During the final boss fight. All the Dark Knight Metal...
This is probably the week where most people are getting back to their normal work / school routines. Just wanted to say welcome back. Hope everyone...
Ever since the Glitch / Broker situation, I've been having old items that I had placed on the broker (not been able to sell but had never reclaimed...
Just now ran into a bug. After helping Batman defeat allies in the theater. He went into the adjacent hallway and just stopped there. Thus the...
I swear... whoever wrote the lines for Larfleeze in this game is a genius. The things that comes out of his mouth are hilarious.... I'm just...
Did anybody else notice the Crow Call feat in the Metal II feats list? I wonder when those little guys are coming? ;)
Anyone else experience this? I had gotten to the final boss of the Damage Control alert (The Drowned). The group ended up wiping three times and...
I'm a returning player on the Nintendo Switch, slowly building up my CR (actually, it's quite a rapid process these days) and making my way through...
Separate names with a comma.