How about an artifact that does two things. 1. A new power that adds another load out config similar to stealth/invisibility. 2. Adds another...
Lack of updates is making the players frustrated and the company losing money. As a player I understand that it is getting harder to come up with...
Kudos! It is finally happening!
That does not imply it will not be available on the Cyborg vendor. If it is indeed true the word "exclusively" should have been added.
Which is why I suggested that this new mechanic have some sort of incentive for the devs to actually build it. The grinding to unlock the slots can...
Gameplay has become terrible. 50% of the time is spent in the inventory swapping arts. Either it is dead king sceptre every channel or bunch of...
I have 1 toon with 20 artifacts at level 200. I also have 20 alts with artifacts < level 60. It seems I am their ideal customer on this one.
There are so many good raids that were challenging when they came out. Even with Omnibus, they don't feel as challenging or fun. So, here is an idea...
Seems like a missing database transaction commit. Relogging is a workaround, though.
Personally speaking, I came back to the game about 3 months ago. My damage sucked with my old 160 artifacts (EOG, Solar and Scrap). A league...
This behavior of HV has been open knowledge for several months. Would it not make sense for the Dev team to work closely with renowned players like...
I just spent $255 worth XP last saturday :mad::mad:. Could not deal with the terrible DPS without those artifacts. I was saving for the double XP but...
Is there no discount for Seal of Completion?
After the mid range updates for all powers are done, how about all supercharges be looked into for balance. I think the non damage supercharges are...
Good ol' regular expression should take care of all such variations.
Or just block all messages with that website link.
Okay I get it. The reason for this must be that the buff from inspiration must be taking the damage to the super clip level. In that case I am gonna...
Yeah, I don't understand why this is needed. Doesn't this contradict the 1.5s in combat thingy.
What about the thousands not asking for it? :p But, on a serious note. There are two AMs for HL. One will be inline with the other powers...
You are right, he did state that when he came with the super clip fix. I was just trusting Karasawa's tests and took his word. Can anyone test...
Separate names with a comma.