No offense taken. But you do know people with jobs have off days right? I won't comment on the matter any farther because unlike you I couldn't...
As a day 1 subsriber with an expert opinion u want something nerfed so u can top charts again?
Glad to be apart of the logical aspect of this. And goes to show who was right. Amenities will be added to the marketplace. Although I opted for them...
When I completed the tokens of merits feats... I miss fist pumping :-(
Reminds me of my pug ab run last night. 3 troll set up. I was 1 of those trolls. They kicked the 3rd troll at last boss 1st wipe. I asked y because...
Thanks to this thread my alts will start farming pvp gear. MoR are more useful for them atm.
Seriously all you have to do is mod. I made a rage alt on Wednesday got him to 70 ran all the tier 4 raids. Monthly rest that Thursday ran all tier 4...
So u say your gear is modded. What tier Mods? U need tier 4 at least. 4 tier 4 mods should get u to cr 84. If not a 5th maybe needed but I doubt it....
I know right. I had been using a 88 shield because the 88 hb never dropped for me for so long. And forgot this happens and sadly enough since to...
If the collectiions where sold for marks opposed to marketplace cash would that eliminate these questions? (Take synthetic mods into consideration...
Lol yup exactly what i was thinking. Because i was soloing dox at 4000 ish resto. And found myself holding out on modding my 2 yellow socket 90...
I almost always come 4th in dps as a sorcery healer. And 5th even when I solo. I'm sitting at 4901 resto w 86 rings and utility belt 88 chest...
I hardly care about amenities to the point where I would actually farm the collections. Perhaps for a sparring target, that would prove useful and...
And on the subject of controlling. I made a troll alt. Mainly to have access to one in case my friends or league need 1 because they are scarce these...
I started playing this game about 2 years along with 2 friends of mine. Me as a sorcery healer. 1 friend as fire tank and the other as a gadgets dps....
I find it hilarious that they nerfed paradox and nexus and pugs still shout for cr 99^ roles. But what's even more funny is them shouting for cr...
I was going to put it in my own words at 1st. But then questioned myself as to what exactly was stated and had to find where I actually read it. But...
The subboss and in Metropolis and Mogo are on the same loot list. This is because half of the group should go to Metropolis while the other group...
Happens on ps as well. It does need to be fixed but in the mean time pop a shield and it will break you out
He clearly states early access is not a legendary perk, per se. And I personally can understand that because you what is a legendary perk?.......
Separate names with a comma.