Could Bases and League Halls please get a lot of love and attention in the near future? Could we please have new League Hall themes? Could we...
The missions in the journal and rewards on catwoman but no way do the instances and earn the rewards. EU Server Thank you.
First is a photo of the preview when at a vendor to sell, named “Superman Memorial Statue” but showing a preview of what we know the “Daily Planet...
Does anyone know what this looks like? It seems to have a pin-like stand the same as the daily planet globe replica, I just can’t see the rest in...
Could we please, please, please, have Zatanna’s boots as a reward on the Batgirl vendor in Cursed Gotham City please? please please please
I’ve got the Isis artefact equiped on one of my alts, and every time I log in on that character, the icon in the toolbar where the ability sits is...
Will the emote trinkets like the “Big Ole’ Sparkler” etc be updated to work with the new emotes system? If so, would it be possible to include...
Please. I am desperate for 2 crime bible replicas and a few hex appeals. I still believe they don’t actually exist and y’all are just trolling me....
Just curious as to why some power sets have combos while others don’t? Cheers.
My personal league looks like it’s been limited, I’m trying to log in to daybreak to open a support ticket but I can’t log in. There is a message...
Any word on if the Circe themed capsule is still a thing? With the latest TC breaking the run of mentor themed capsules, I’m worried, but still...
In prep for new episode, Which gear does everyone get first, damage or roll gear?
With the new on duty UI I can’t figure out how to q for the instances I want to fill, and also the omnibus. Before, I could choose whichever...
I was wondering if anyone on the EU PSPC servers would be cool enough to tell me what times/what day these things happen for everyone in their...
For the lo…. So a thing I struggle with, and what I see being struggled a ton with is getting into content. The game is huge. Could the set up be...
I started playing during Wonderverse and I still think it’s superior. Players are still there, the bonus weeks for wv are the most useful. The...
He appears for the most split second, doesn’t say anything , like he used to, and there’s no animation of him shooting his shot anymore. His damage...
Any base decorators notice anything at 1:05? I thought it was cool! [media]
Lately when I’ve been doing the T5-T6 bounty tour with groups on thursdays, I warp to HoL, travel to Orrery, and when I go to open world list, I get...
When you put a material on these two back styles, the inside part, when viewed from the front like disappears. Could we have a fix for this please?
Separate names with a comma.