(Sung to the tune of I have a little Dreidel) I have a little Teekl. I placed her in my base. She’s such a pretty Kitty, full of style, full of...
Disclaimer: If your name is XXXITEABAGYOURMOMXXX, NOOBSTOMPER69, or Th3R34L420 this isn't the league for you. If you are still reading... Virtual...
So, I know HL is hitting like a wet noodle right now and this will be addressed sometime in the near or distant future give or take a year. However,...
Resolved an issue that could cause frequent drops in framerate or “hitching.” Thank the Maker!
DCUO PC Hero League VIRTUAL SYNERGY is looking for a few good people! Thank you for clicking on this thread. Please read the following information...
I had a rather amusing experience yesterday. Well, amusing to me anyway. Most of my weekend game time was spent working on an alt-tank character...
click on SOE Post Tracker and Jen's F-bomb on twitter is just over there to the right. Just found that sort of amusing. Nothing more to see, carry on.
hrm? Would be mighty fine if it happened.
I noticed last night while running nexus that I had to get much closer than normal to get my defense debuff to apply. I mean, it was already to short...
I know a dozen successes is nothing to brag about but still in all those final encounters I've seen nothing but necklaces and rings, most of which...
At least I hope this is a bug and not a new feature. Noticed this first in The Hunt against Don Cassamento. He starts his heavy hitting skull attack...
Separate names with a comma.