I don't believe I was here for any of those things. Looking at my latest forum messages, I think I was last playing the game in early 2014/late...
Hi everyone. It's been a few years (two or three) since I last played DCUO, and I was thinking about trying it again. Before I do so, however, I...
That's a shame to hear. Well thank you for all the information :) If anyone has any other opinions, please do share them.
I'm a rather PvP oriented guy, so if it's not too popular, perhaps I shouldn't resub. Furthermore, from the information Kryptonian Being...
How would you say the population is, compared to a year ago or so? Also, would you say the community is more PvE or PvP focused?
Hi everyone :) I've been on hiatus from DCUO for about a year now, and I just wanted to stop in and check on how things are going. Do you, the...
Co's graphics are not as good, and it's a more.. Simple game, from what I've heard. Dcuo is all about power interactions and team planning and...
Well now, I feel lucky that I get to play dcuo. Many people can't. Feel lucky for what you have.
These things will be figured out. I thought of these things when armories were first mentioned, but I trust the devs also think of them, and they...
A 78 ring can be found in the Arkham home turf dailies, it's at the 5 day final boss. Also, in inner t4, a 76 or 78 necklace drops, so if you...
Heroes or villains side
Interesting. You will be hearing from me.
Capes already flap around, I think we are fine as we are, but good spotting
Banned for thinking girls would ever play this game
It was sarcasm. I do not see many nature dps, as it is a less popular power to play in the dps role.
Good to see you here, and I agree. I spend a ton of time, and sacrifice a lot of dps to pick up people. And then people are like "why is your dps...
What's a nature dps?
Anything that involves other people having to do work, is unlikely to be even glanced at. People do make long essays about powers, and those are...
Without an in depth guide/essay about the power, people won't take it seriously(usually) i'm afraid :(
For instance, what are some bottom tier characters?
Separate names with a comma.