There is something messed up going on with the Penthouse lair and I hope it's an easy fix. You can't place quite a number of things on the wide,...
So during the latest event there have been tons of times where someone just sits on their fat *** and gets event currency while everyone else does...
According to the dev post "Journey to Titans Island and take part in new Open World carnival games to earn Prize Tickets." I'm not seeing any "New"...
If I enter an old game code from 2011 for a collector's edition of the game will I get the rewards from it (assuming the code hasn't been used)? Like...
So I'm wondering if anyone else is experiencing this? The server just crashed on me and now I can't log any character in on the accounts I have. PC...
Trying to figure where treasure chest 2 spawns and 1. Pretty sure I know where 1 spawns but can't seem to find 2 and knowing where to look would help...
Nuff Said.
Hey there everyone. I'm looking for the following base items as there have not been any on the broker for a very, very long time. Supposedly they...
The Luxurious Sink seems to be missing on the Survival Mode Vendor. This is the only way to get this item and it's the ONLY sink in game that isn't...
I'm not talking the regular speedforce exobite goes into flashpoint speedforce augment, I'm talking a warsuit augment can take a <other dlc> exobite....
I have 2 substandard mighty speed force cells at rank 11 and I can't consume those to boost a normal Mighty Speed Foce cell? I don't remember this...
Would it be too much trouble to get a Halloween speaker that played something like "Spooky scary skeletons?" or Camille Saint-Saien's Dance of...
Do these capes unlock across all of your characters for free or is it only on one character? Just ran across the box and don't want to waste it on...
In the Spring event we made a total of 17 seasonal coins per day to buy stuff and there were 21 items for sale for a total of 460 coins. Summer we're...
So recently I was on a hunt for the Psycho Jester outfit for a character on my alt account as I wanted them to actually LOOK like a jester in...
Looking for the following for a reasonable price as there are none on the broker and I've gone through 200 source marks trying to get them out of the...
Is there a style like Psycho Jester that a low CR can buy? Once I hit 30 on my jester character I went to the watctower to check styles but couldn't...
Ice Brick Wall. A really nice looking wall built out of ice bricks. Perfect for making cold rooms or icy prisons and other wonderful things right?...
Has the Manor Base been fixed and updated yet? Hallways where you can't place items. The Secret Door item not quite working right? More Pink...
Can we please get those swanky super spiffy shuffling skeletons who dance between the I mean shuffle near the Halloween event as a base...
Separate names with a comma.