I hate daylight savings especially since am mostly a late night gamer and its pretty much the only time I can actually play during the weekdays. I...
Every time I solo tank HoH and we get to the Forge Master boss fight, the 1st stage against the Forge spirit I "NEVER" get any heals from the healer...
The answer is no, they should'int be. why should a tank who has well enough Dominance for w/e he/shes running to be knocked around like a pinball...
past weekend ive been playing something happen that pretty much has never happen before. I had to literally had to stop playing because of the...
3/4th of the time the bombardiers, lungers, engineers and healers cant be pulled or agroed. heck even my league mates would see me have issues trying...
week after week I do the Origin Crises raids and "NEVER" do I see one damn time traveler style. in Nexus every time I beat it i'll either a stupid...
platinum every single acrobatic race that gotham and Metro has to offer and it made me realized.....why isint their a 50point feat for it? heck, I...
a crowd control resistance stat for tanks? Are we always going to get stunned, juggled and encased by adds no matter what even if our required...
Am up to 5 pieces of 92CR gear already, finaly gotten Dom/Health 6 and done the alert everyday and still havint seen one yet. ppl say u can get them...
TANK Role: Using a super power at the moment (enter mover here) impacts will decrease the super power's power cost. Really, to save freaken energy?...
Are you kidding me? I got Qed into a match and as soon as the loading screen popped up I was sent to the charachter select screen. so i picked my...
The day was around the month of Feb when it came out on 2011. I was there. going to the fountain warp in metro and teleporting to the event and doing...
Sieriously, are they? cuz if they are then you guys did an amasing job at it. bravo. yes this is sarcasem and yes, it is annoying when you have 3 of...
I know, I know.......immunity, HT and movement mode debuff will never go away and are here to stay but there are 3 things that shouldint have never...
I dont know what the heck was up with saturday but I was paired up with ppl who just stand there to lose just for get ez marks. can adding these low...
[Player Vs Player] While in Tank role you have a special advantage versus gadgets, Mental, Light and Quantum power users. You are immune to their...
Well, yesterday I was doing lair battles trying to get to the 500 lair win feat. all I needed was 17 wins. I won 17 "straight" times. thats 17w/ZERO...
isint it suppose to be when the 4th hit is done the 5th can be blocked? am getting hit more than 6times and blocking isint sending them onto there...
One of my pet peeves in this game. beating the crud out of someone just to have some wise guy pop up out of no were and begin to do "HIS" blocking...
ATM I can go and do ace chem, the armory, Strykers and Arkam alone or with a buddie just by walking into it. I don't have to wait or get worried...
Separate names with a comma.