So I am a day 1 lifetime member. I just signed in right now to claim my 500SC for the month, and normally it gives me a date my next 500SC is...
So I have not been playing as of late, but I hoped on just to make sure this whole mark conversion thing went smoothly and... of course it did not....
Now devs, I know you all said prior that you used the random drops aka "the chase" as a way to keep us preoccupied due to the gap in content every 3...
Disclosure: My reasoning behind these numbers is that 1) the grind is doable prior to the next DLC, 2) that the grind lasts almost the entire...
Any chance you would consider making the anomaly solos count towards the PvE Legends General feats? You guys could separate the feats from the...
Devs, do you guys think it would possible to make the Iconic Anomalies count towards the general Legend PvE feats? I mean technically we are playing...
I just want to start off by saying, if any of these ideas have been mentioned already I apologize. I have not been on the forums much lately. Been...
This issue is still present on the live servers. There seems to be an issue with either Gauss Grenade/Napalm or Brawling itself. I'm not sure which...
Here is the thing, the gear grind was manageable on multiple characters in this games t1-t4 era. For those who are unaware, it was basically 1 set of...
Currently on the test server, there is still a big bug with Gauss Grenade and Napalm grenade where these abilities do not get the WM crit bonus'...
Hey devs, I just wanted to let you know that Speeds Inertial Flywheel was still not fixed on test, it is still moving Speedster players much farther...
Currently in PvP, there are people utilizing lunges to get away from others in combat. Specifically, the One Hand, and Dual Wield lunges. This will...
First one and most importantly, I just went into a match full Android gear, and I was only hitting for 1 damage every hit. even my dots, were 1's. No...
Sorry is I am missing something. However, when I looked at the rotation on test, I noticed Safehouse Rescue was not there, and I thought you devs...
Hey devs, I'm not sure of this is something you guys can add at this point, but is it possible to perhaps give the Sewer base theme some better...
In the tool tips, it says it's supposed to ground enemies, however, ever since patch of GU40 it no longer grounds enemies as it says. Is this...
This is going to be widely abused with the max damage mod. In short, Terror Tendrills is not splitting as it should after two targets. When this gets...
However, good things DO come to those who are patient enough to wait for it. I just wanted to say THANK YOU devs! With the Experimental Serum Tank...
I think it was a great move that you guys added this vendor to the game. However, this vendor is long overdue for an update. I'm not talking an...
I am very excited about the survival mode coming, and league halls. However, a big issue we currently have is that we are awarded MoT for 90% of the...
Separate names with a comma.