Link to EG7's Q3 investor presentation Slide 17: Investment in graphics upgrade and the largest expansion content to date for 2023 [IMG] And...
There is no secret weapon nor piece of armor which is going to magically make all of this easy. Of course the armor and stats can help, but what...
When there are items which require materials which are uncommon or rare (Augment leveling components and OP item leveling components, for example),...
The Probiotics buff you need to fight Doomsday in Doomed Metropolis is stripped from you once you are defeated and respawn (whether revived by...
A few months back I noticed the light trails on the travel auras stretching back farther and lasting longer than they had before (and it looks really...
As players come and go leagues will surge and wane. Often we'll see players leaving one dying (or dead) league to find home in another which they...
Or... "Whiskey Tango Foxtrot is that critter doing!?!?!" Yesterday was an odd day in DCUO in general, it seems. Some friends and I ran Gotham...
Huh? [IMG]
Every few years I'll make a thread about hopes, dreams, wishes for things in the game. Some eventually come about (like Iconic emblems, powerset...
A leaguemate and I noticed last night someone with one of the light trail travel auras leaving a trail that seemed to to not only be longer but last...
Isn't it about time they get some love again?
Every few weeks or so there's a thread predicting the end of the DCUO world. It's usually "supported" by "hardly anyone plays anymore", "I can never...
I'm writing this because so much of the defeats I see are to the same two or three things (mainly Kalibak's AE and failing to recognize one of the...
You can normally reset missions within their zone with Replays prior to engaging the first boss. Not so in any of the Temple solos in Patchwork...
It looks like someone bought themselves a new Cold Iron. SAN DIEGO, Calif. - August 11, 2020 - Daybreak Games, global publisher and developer of...
While more will undoubtedly come out later this month, it looks like DC's streaming service is pretty much done for. Roughly one third of DC's...
From this mention in the last issue of Doomsday Clock... [IMG] to this in the most recent reboot of Thor... [IMG] ... it looks like DC and...
Just like pretty much everyone else, my league and I have run this raid a bajillion times. In other words, we have the card game down pat. Tonight...
Sooooo... what's up with this? Hal playing a little joke on Barry? [IMG]
Separate names with a comma.