Bump~~ League has had a name change. Now known as Brutally Honest!
Old league rebuilding- looking for active, helpful players. 250 sp and usable artifacts preferred Banter welcome, but respect is a requirement....
Also why does it keep logging me in as a different account when I'm inputting the same log in information I dont get this
It's ok boo I was just confused lol
Stats revamp isnt ready. Only 3 powers have even gone up on test. Its SM and the bundles
And yes, this. If you go celestial or hardlight, your weapon will only be there for aesthetics (i'm in love with my celestial battle axe)....
Last I checked, rage is actually doing really well at the moment. I've seen quite a few people switching to it and many pugs, friends, and...
Minotaur gate is going to be found in AF2 content- Lab, HoH, Throne, RTN, and AoD. Cant tell you where the other two drop exactly, sorry.
Yeah idk if EU servers are different from US servers when it comes to the daily restart. But the downtime starts at the same time every single...
Not sure if all entries were just too good or devs just procrastinating :P
Erm, I do have to ask what time zone youre in..? The servers go down once per day (7am for me as of now) for the daily restart. Downtime...
They were on test for a bit with the new episode. Taken down recently though
I actually received the email confirming that my submission was accepted- I have the link to see the picture, but when I go to the site and just...
I'll be honest with you here, OP I made an atomic tank a month or so ago and progressed her through the game entirely as a tank after level 30....
The fact that they have free reign to roam around? I'm not sure lol. I've tried using it a few times and each time the tank has been super...
Oh as if someone already hasnt brought this up. Again I apologize for only being nature for a week on an alt. I DID see a difference between...
Unsure how I feel about the armories, to be honest. I dont want to take everything away from bases and some leagues are enormous. Its one thing...
^^^^^ This is what makes league halls useless. They should make the LH more functional for the league before deciding on any cosmetics.
Don't worry :) we still have water to look forward to in 2018 :D
I would honestly like to actually be able to see the aura, even if I were the only one in the group that COULD see it, that would be great....
Separate names with a comma.