Having cash in your shared bank? It would help a lot with alts. Did dev's say why this is not possible? I'm just curious.
Just before the new dlc? i think they did this before SOBA
They were an addition to some of first DLC's that came out - Think they could work in Todays game? [IMG] I think (if i remember) if 8 players had...
Hey, I have looked high and low for these styles but i cannot find them any help would be appreciated; thanks
Yeah seems like whole game went down
The game is literally plagued with speed hackers and nothing is being done about; Infact, the community is accepting them. I understand there is a...
I was pretty taken back how colourful the game looked [media]
In current patch notes says they reduced the amount in the raid, why? Is like 10 source marks every 5 minutes its not game breaking at all. smh
Any news? cannot find anything. thanks
is this true? cause i don't see anything on the forums. [media]
Not saw one for sometime
So, I've just tried FFe on critical and we only got first part done - However, looking at my inventory i can across collections sets; Titan's Tower...
Does this mean PvP changes are on the way? Just hoping :)
Hello, Just wondering if this will be upgraded soon? thanks
I've done this mission so many times in this area and never seen these coaches before?! [IMG]
Is there a quick way to get these? I remember the old recovery kit method is there a current, new, one? thanks
These are just a few ideas nothing more; - Increase the CR again for stats clamping - Have stats as an option on/off button - Include the bonus in...
Just curious if a date as been announced for xmas sales? thanks
Hello, What would you suggest is correct amount of SP to fire tank in elite content? thanks
I just heard there was a week where you could use all characters and runs counted as 10x? if so, when will this come back? thanks
Separate names with a comma.