I wouldn’t recommend this game to anyone,there’s no sign of anything innovative coming other than the predictable “solo/duo alert and raid” content...
If it’s taking this long for this there’s no hope in longevity for this game. The graphics in general are subpar water looks like chrome,destroyed...
That’s disappointing spider web themed that should be Halloween and the rest just looks like no imagination was put into them.
Everyone is excited for emotes just goes to show the amount of content that isn’t in the game to begin with. No new powers water was released on...
An 8 hour downtime in 2023 is crazy not like we’re getting bed generation graphics or new items literally just said it’s the same event from last year
Y’all charging for a RNG option on skins that don’t look good(in my opinion)that’s sad shows which direction this game headed towards. Meanwhile...
How do I get invited during that time?
All was needed was a star clamp toggle not a stat clamp overhaul but since Melos wants to delete my comments it goes to show they know I’m right
You can’t good for you.devs could’ve easily added a toggle for stat clamp no different from the option to play elite with different difficulty...
$15x4 is $60 and in between the time of waiting 4 months of waiting for another DLC to literally do the exact same thing we did in the previous DLCs...
Oh my goodness this can’t be true this is exactly what us devoted players did not want. A 5% chance with all those other random options most of us...
From 2011 exactly 11 years later this game has been going downhill.PvP hasn’t been worked on in what 6 years and just left to die. $15 a month to...
Need to remove stat clamp entirely not good for the game at all just makes it more repetitive.At least at the option to be down scaled for new...
All these people defending stat clamping as if they were at the round table discussing with the developers about this plan are the reasons this game...
you can’t compare dcuo to any other MMO unless they literally share the exact same game mechanics/progression/community/developers etc I can go on...
All we need since there will be quick play option implemented. 1.Add a feature for stat clamped queue which will pair new players with vets who...
The numbers would show if the devs added a poll/vote system. I don’t know if you haven’t noticed but there’s a lot of new comers asking players for...
For all of you saying “yipeee hooray” see how this game turns out.We pay for this game and after 10 years it’s all been going downhill.Ive been...
Separate names with a comma.