I love the new Mushroom base pet and I think he is a great addition to the base pets category. Unfortunately there is a weird interaction he has when...
I noticed Sorcery 4-man healer shields do not overwrite other 4-man healer shields. I first noticed it with the Clarion artifact. I would proc...
Fire was the only power in the game to not have a personal shield until the stats revamp so it makes sense that it didn't have an accelerated back...
Hey, freshly new league recruiting. Established a few weeks ago with 3 core members who are well versed in the game. We've been playing since 2012....
Hey, I've been asked a lot to do a quick video / map on where to get all 10 destabilizers in Time-Torn Area 51. Here you go and hope you find this...
My all time favorite base items they introduced in War of the Light II was the different colored Wall Banners and Mist Containers. I farmed them in...
Sorcery • PC Test Only: Increased the damage of Fury's Arcane Barrage and Transmutation abilities. • PC Test Only: Soul Well - The damage portion...
Replacing my Precision 6.3 Expert (+53 Preci) Generator Mods with Precision 7.3 (+96 Preci) Generator mods I noticed my stats not increasing but...
I logged on today and as per my normal routine I check the daily event logs in the new League UI. I noticed that I didn't see "new" Items being taken...
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