How's the game guys? Any news? Shoot not just the game itself. How is everyone doing?
It's officially time for me to hang up the cape. Soon my Ps3 will no longer be supported by the game. I am surprisingly ok with that, to be honest it...
After being a Mental toon since 2011 I have finally decided to change powers. Can anyone suggest some good powers? Good in the given support role and...
So grades came in and my dad calls me to the table. World History-A Algebra 2-A Spanish 2-B H/English 2-B Chemistry-D P.E.-A Says to me that I did...
Who was batman talking to on the phone when the building got destroyed? I heard bruce say dad.
My might was 8027 the other day, now its 7732. What happened?
NoNONONONONO. Not in game. What power would be the best and most useful in life? Answer below and explain why it's the best.
I need some Wing Stop A.S.A.P
For the power Atomic, the dev's should make this a completely moldable power. Let me explain. Atomic will always have the option to DPS, but you get...
What is the most effective loadout?
Thoughts on the movie... GO. BTW..... Lily James[IMG]
I got the Packers and Broncos
I'm trying out for my school team next year. I'm looking for advice to make my game even stronger. Any advice?
I've done the alert everyday for about 2 weeks, all i've gotten where the same weapons, utility belts, and marks. I only got ONE piece of the hoplite...
It's not giving me a weekly reward
So I just got amazon fury part 1 today. I was wondering where the vendor is for all the gear. Like the amazon polemarch, strategos, etc.
Do you guys think he's worth the money? I believe he isn't, but he can one day be. There are a few pros about him strong arm, quick, etc. but the bad...
I have two pieces of the armor right now. Does it still drop from Nexus and Paradox wave? I've been running them and none of the pieces have been...
I'm currently cr 97. I have Battle for earth and origin crisis dlc. Should I get war of light part 1 or amazon fury part 1
We should have everything they had in the first booster bundle, 500 replay badges, proto repair bots, etc. Change the price back to 20 dollars. BUT....
Separate names with a comma.