Once again the PvP community is dying off, and not for lack of reason. Back when crossplay hit and we had our first big PvP update in a while, we...
*slow claps
There's been a lot of debate recently regarding the existence of stat boosts in arenas, the main reason that the people against it use is that it is...
The changes in arenas have currently caused a few issues in legends which should preferably get adjusted before the changes go live: Counters...
This is following on from the post linked below, so if I seemingly missed anything then check this post first incase it was mentioned here:...
It's been quite evident ever since Steel was released that a rather large amount of people either aren't aware of balance issues, believe it's "all...
Both standard breakout and the breakout trinket still don't prevent you from getting CCd in certain situations. Video below: [media]
Thought I'd make a video with her showcasing some of her strengths, she can do some pretty crazy burst along with great DoT. Hope it's fun to...
What is the aim behind the change? Do you want to make PvP similar to other MMOs? This change to counters makes them almost completely obsolete, it...
I don't have legendary so unfortunately I can't post this in the testing feedback so I'm just going to have to post this here. With this post I'm...
Just a couple of videos I made over the past couple of weeks, hope you guys enjoy watching them. [media] [media]
Just another highlight video I threw together, this time using the Man of Steel. Enjoy! [media]
This is the first DCUO video I've made, simply showcasing a few kills from some 1v1 games I've had in the past week. Enjoy! [media]
There are a few things that need to be fixed to first stabilise and balance out the general environment in legends PvP (as well as some crossover...
After testing it doesn't seem to make any difference to crit chance or damage to either weapon combos or his abilities. However there is a buff icon...
So let's look at Two-Face as he currently stands: His health was buffed to 8.2K, this is by far the highest base health pool in the game (2900...
Most of these AoE DoT abilities in legends are slightly askew when compared to a majority of other moves in legends and now that there's no reliable...
I thought this may be interesting to some people, it includes all of the balance changes I and others have discussed & believe would make legends...
Thank you for listening devs! Just need a couple of extra buffs and these toons will be playable competitively again :D
Playing on batcave earlier I noticed the physical body for the main platform is a little off, see the picture below for an example: [IMG] It's as...
Separate names with a comma.