Can we get a tick box in 'On Duty' - Perhaps called 'Maximum Reward Mode' Tick Box OFF - Same as it is now. Tick Box ON - Your CR/Stats scale to...
i thought this would be a must have, it seemed amazing. But in solo/duo/alert/open world content it feels completely useless. Haven't run it in raids...
Can we have Double marks of Valor and Double marks of Legend weekends Once Every 8 weeks FOREVER This way we can all prepare, once every 2...
I haven't seen anything about this on the forums but it's something I've noticed ingame. Class - Earth Supercharging Skill - Unstoppable...
I'm 210 but Crystal stays 209. Tried re-logging, re-summoning, moving maps, always 209
Where is it? this is the only reason i logged in today I notice that the description in the the announcement has been changed to 'weekly reward'...
Does this still drop? I've been doing East End Regal every day since February and still haven't got it. Have been getting all the T3 Weekly boxes and...
Separate names with a comma.