ewww, the guy above me said water...
elite duo and solos too please.
are you on USPC ? I'd much rather discuss this in voice chat if you can. cause I get what you're saying, but you're completely missing my...
Orr, simply remove it, give away feats, and delete that whole feat section after, like it has never happened, cause its a stain of feces in games...
jackhammer and brick don't stack, it's either stone skin or brick... I'm not gonna reply any further, cause you clearly have no clue what youre...
2014 thread... FOR REAL?!:mad:
I agree, it's the only reason I'm considering switching. What are your artifacts currently? Power choice is not that important to be honest,...
not earth, jackhammer will give you carpal tunnel syndrome, I really love earth, but I'm 100% switching from it cause of the spamming reasons, it's...
Have very hard alert/raid brainiac ship, mechanic wise, where only half of the, let's say 253+ players can queue(like 4/8, 2/4) make it rewarding,...
hmm I'll edit this tomorow
TheWiz VS Obsidian, make it happen.
lpve need to be removed, I'll elaborate, when dlcs drop, solos are easy(ok) but then when you get gear they get extremely easy like, you can breeze...
I'm all in for elite alerts, duos, solos.
real off topic, always wondered, where's that gif from?
y'all gon ignore what coldfuzion posted ? .... check his channel, it's helpful
how would you compare CoD to Oblivion ? I know on adds latter is really good, but doesn't it perform few ticks on ST ? with max EoG, won't you be...
when you had to separate nexus bot from lex, ehhh good old days.
the only thing that works with water is supercharge, speaking of finger breaking contortions, I'll be switching from earth, cause I think I'm getting...
now kiss.
there's a single reason to use jh and brick at a same time, if you're battle tanking, that's the one. otherwise its pretty pointless, especially if...
Separate names with a comma.