true, people still disappear after getting to the sea beast in the throne raid every time i try to run it
Congratulations! Looking forward to the Anniversary event and hopefully more updates in the future!
Ok guys i think it works now, try it!
thread about this issue already exists, you can check it out here
in addition to supports response from above, i've got this today "It will be useful to know that you should not need to do anything on your end and...
Sad stuff, hope it will be resolved before reward resets, but i somehow doubt it thanks for sharing the info, though!
tried validating files, nothing, tinkering with network and LAN options didn't help too rip stabilizers i guess, hope you guys will have a better luck
same stuff, what funny is that it works perfectly if i choose eu server, but on us this happens
Would've been cool if devs at least gave some explanation or eta until this thing gets resolved honestly feels like im the only one expiriencing this...
In-game name: eggsdeeehaha ( yes very mature nickname, a was a very serious guy back when i created this character_ -Faction: Villain -Server/Game...
Separate names with a comma.