I dont think ps3 is kind old, ps3 rules yet, I play metalgear 4 in 1080p in online mode, no crashes at all, no freezing, the graphics are amazing...
Its not about the risk, its about a GU that fails for ps3 players. I dont wanna Money from them, I wanna playable days since I pay for the game. I...
Hello personas!! My problem is solved and was answered by the support page. Hope all u guys have good Lucky on it. Tks Mepps and Devs. Hope...
They have to give us at least one week more of legendary subscription and a radiante aura as bĂ´nus to compensate all of our frustration. I miss all...
Hello Mepps!! Any uptade about this issue or the fix will come together the ps3 crashes fix? No words from support too. We need some good News....
This itens and some maybe i dont remember: - Shabby Mattess - Alan Scott Boots - Peerles Chest (insectoid) - Cyborgs Hands - Alloyed boots...
Hi Mepps here the info you request, I also has a support ticket opened. Several rare itens sold but the e-mail and earnings do not received and the...
Man its really frustrate play the game on the ps3 after this update, they messed all up. Several crashes in the same raid and have to restart the...
This seems they only had worried about the members that bought itens and not with the members that post itens to sell. The problem was solved...
Here USPS3, only mails of expired itens, no cash no e-mail confirmation but the itens disappear from broker since yesterday after GU. And no support...
The problem isnt solve yet, i didnt receive my mails and my earnings and no words from support. I only receive the mails from expired itens. Can u...
I received only the e-mails with the expired itens but I have solded about 4 or 5 rare itens and i didint receive the earning and none mail from it....
There's an estimated time for this fix or we have to wait in the absolute dark and alone?
CrushingYou Reference Number 150326-000038 Status Updated BY Customer Created 03/25/2015 06:22 PM Updated 03/25/2015 08:51 PM
With my vilain CrushingYou
Me, i do not rename the char, this issues start when i log in in the first time after the update. I sold several itens but no e-mail and no cash.
Hmmm so its generally, hope they fix quickly cause i'm afraid to use broker now :(, i sold severals itens and no cash, hope they can recover this :S
This issues seems to happens only with vilains, my hero sold stuff too and the e-mail arrives normally, but my vilains sold anothers itens and no...
Its happens with my vilain CrushingYou I already open a ticket but no response till now.
Yeahhh, I've placed 2 itens for sell in broker they disappear, so i think its was selled but the e-mail and the cash never comes to me yet lol. Hope...
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