I can't log in since my character is in Wayne manor I tried going in with another character same issue.
Thanagar Base - Short open world buildings which you can enter and Place items in. Atlantis Base - Inside the base is underwater which only movement...
Ugh this is really bad when people have work schedule's. I have to say this company has to come up with a solution to reimburse time that was missed.
That's awesome glad you guys are ahead of the ideas. I can't wait till it's added and thank you for the response.
Clone Aura (Or Material) - Switch character look temporarily to match one of your Armory locked looks.
Charon would it be possible to add a Bonus to certain ally combinations (Example Flash Related Allies).
I can't log in game causing issue.
Futurama "Robot Mafia" Update Esisode: Get the Clamps! Starring Mepps as Donbot. (Queue music)
Enhanced Rao Emblem collected but not getting feat still nearly a week and I know if things get dragged on it won't get fixed.
This Superman no emblem style reminds me of a scene in the "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly" When Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan Maria Ramirez said...
99% so you saying I still have a chance, Nice.
New Power: Mimic (Amazo) or ff3 (ff6) GOGO Ability to add powers sets from other targets.
You can make Ponytails Animated. That quote "They can't make hair animated" Is only for normal hair but Pigtails or Ponytails can be animated.
Smaller redesign league Halls for 16 roster Super team please.
1. Exclusive Elite Solo for older content. 2. Extended Seasonal Event or early access. 3. Armory limit is now 20. 4. Accessories equip limit is now...
I Keep crashing entering my Atlantis home.
Add more then one accessory in different area's on the Body; Head Slot - Feet Slot - Hand Slot - Back Slot etc.
1. Animated Electric Hair. 2. Animated Smoke Hair. 3. Animated Hair (Ponytail physics). 4. Blended Smoke Aura Black on top blending with White smoke...
Balcony - That fits the style of many bases and can be added on the third floor little side wall (Like Planters). Floating Doors - Magic runes on...
Merry Christmas.
Separate names with a comma.