There's a major bug going on with the ReCAPTCHA verification for logging into either the Official Forums, or the DCUO Website in general. ON GOOGLE...
WHY isn't the Elf Ears Head Style available for other characters through Style Unlocking yet? :confused: After making us wait 13½ years to finally...
I'm trying to launch the game this afternoon on Windows 11 Home, with the Official DCUO Launcher, and the small update today has made it unable to...
This is a screenshot of an Emblem from the Secrets of Kahndaq Time Capsule. It was posted in the official announcement thread for that Time...
I have been trying for YEARS to complete the Scale Material Collection from the Wondrous Time Capsules. I need only 1 piece of the Collection left,...
You wanna know what really grinds my gears? When you finally pull together enough in-game cash to go on the Broker and buy the Stupidly Rare...
Sinceriously, Daybreak, the DCUO Forums keep going down all weekend long, for rather lengthy outages! FIX. YOUR. CRAP!!!
Is anyone else finding that searching for things with the Forum Search Function is running suuuuuuuuuuuper slooooooooooow? As in, the time it takes...
What is the name of the Back Style that covers your character's back with long, flowing hair, similar to Blanka in Street Fighter II? And where does...
Just noticed it this week. When I'm in a thread on Google Chrome, the info at the bottom of the post is gone. Date and time of post, the Post # in...
It's ridiculous that this was revealed on the Test Server a MONTH ago and we still don't have answers! [img] We want this Chest Style. We NEED...
Simple, quick question: How does one obtain the Witchy Head Style in 2022? [img] I thought sure this would be available from the Witching Hour...
Because we will NEVER get an official in-game version of ANY movie styles for reasons that will NOT be explained in this thread, (so if you don't...
Now that the (previoulsy) Ultra Rare Two-Face Inspired Head Style has been going out to people that have logged in at least 21 days this month, LETS...
Can anyone identify the Chest Style used on this recreation of Black Suit Superman from the old Reign of the Supermen storyline? [img] Because of...
I'm frankly surprised it took so long for me to realize this, but I think it's a testament to the fact that we generally have a good Membership Base...
Ever since the massive revamps to content that the Devs introduced in 2021, finding older styles is now WAY harder than it should be. ALMOST NOTHING...
If you look at the DCUO Tweets on the right-hand side of the main Forums page, you may have already seen this, but for those that didn't... Episode...
Can someone help me out really quickly to refresh my memory on a style? 1. Which Back Style is this? [IMG] 2. How does one obtain it now, in...
Separate names with a comma.