So Dead by Daylight just became Cross Play capable being able to play with friends on PC/Stream, PS4, XBox, And Nintendo Switch. With a growing list...
Does DCUO support PlayStation players changing their PSN account names? Will players lose any game saved data or memb purchased add one they have...
Dev's Please make mental's pain blast and sleep exclusively out from just being used in the invisible ability list and able to be use outside that...
Hey Devs! How bout having Joker treat us by droping nth metal detectors, Exobyte boosters , golden exobytes artifact seals & complete the...
Teen Titans Legends Characters and Feats to go with the possible episode. Hope Devs don't miss this possible opportunity like they did with E3 I...
What to wear? What to Wear? So many artifacts so little space to wear them We Need 4 Artifact slots!!:D
Mental Powerset is still broken. After revamp the powerset doesn't play the same and mostly is on the weaker side of all the powersets, especially...
What if we were able to convert our Marks of Victory over to a previous currency like ultra bucks or an episode currency after Episodes of Amazon...
Here are some spawn locations i found while doing the the daily bounty Owlman [IMG][IMG] Super Woman [IMG][IMG] Ultra Man [IMG][IMG]
Riddler vs. Joker Street Brawl @October 31 2017 7pm-11pm Central time Team Riddler or Team Joker pick a side and come dressed for the side you picked...
Please don't give more mind to the post linked below. It is a Flawed plan as others have "showed me the error of my ways"...
First of all we must start with getting rid of trading/sending in game game cash through the in game mailing system. This will help stop non...
I think i might have a fix to some of our problems. Since atm test GU73 Revamp running older content at higher crs is currently more difficult Why...
The Devs have said they wish to create and add on powers and abilities of the already existing powersets after stat revamp has released. This tread...
Players need a R&D Plan to upgrade the item level of special items trinkets the Omnipotence items to current vendor gear item levels, They...
A maybe what to come after release of Stat Revamp. First Video is on Live server where i solo Dr. Light 2nd Video is me attempting the same thing on...
With Stat Revamp in testing I'm hoping it can go Live within the next three months. Sometime before or on The month of May, and Before the next...
The DCUO app is working better now. You can actually look players up and see their stats, gear they are wearing, Feats they have done and still need...
I sat down and hammered out my testing problem was finally able to come up with a right Controller configuration for my PS4 controller using...
Those times when glitches happened to you but turned out to be good and fun! like these times [IMG][IMG][IMG] Have any good ones like these post em...
Separate names with a comma.