Dude this is great xD
This is helping the community stay alive how selfish and petty of you. This game will Inevitably Die without this so no this shouldn't be addressed...
This is crazy to hear because I was about to make a post thanking them for cranking up the drop rates. I've ran BD on 7 characters I've gotten two...
I can't believe what I'm reading, do you realize without the random supergeared person some of these things would be impossible. With population...
Look I'm not apart of this league but from playing with your members from time to time. You guys are we're all leagues should aim to be respectful,...
Your gripe makes no sense. If you can make it through the the is solo at 126 that's probably because the solo has adds that are 138. Get your cr up...
This is the problem with this community. "Let's take away fun from one person so that I can have fun" removing power regen is by far the most idiotic...
What do you mean "new" mechanics? You want flying dragons? to fight for castles? What do you mean new mechanics? I mean really do you even know what...
Look games lose players. All games go though that even the juggernaut mmos have gone through ohhhhhhh this game is dead look at world of Warcraft...
You are what's wrong with this game. For weeks a majority of the player were calling for the nerf we got it and now your complaining about the...
If you don't like this game then leave. Why tell everyone? No one cares, the devs do what they can with what feedback they can actually work with....
I don't think pc deserves test server privileges anymore they constantly miss things and make the devs look bad. Frankly pc just doesn't have the man...
Truth is bud ten months ago I would have gave you 102 reasons to play this game till your fingers bleed. But now as the game stands now with a...
This is off topic but Mepps man you have to give the community something a teaser or pics or anything give people a reason to stick around ESO is...
I'm in no way trying to be insulting OP but why would you switch from US PS to PC? The only really benefit is test server but I mean it's a...
I have a few questions for you, ( you are in no way obligated to answer any of these questions truthfully but if you do it might give you an idea...
This is by far the stupidest shiz I have seen today. Don't post on the forums if you don't want people to question what your doing don't voice your...
Kid flash confirmed for legends!!!!!! Sweet!!
I'm confused are you taking conflict with the fact that a character in video game about super heroes fighting a AI in the form of a robot, is...
Separate names with a comma.