Hello to all! A good handful of people on here will recognize my name as one of the OG's, for those of you who might not I'm curse! I've been...
Before we end this ARC of Brainiac, I would love nothing more to have a Avatar of tech floating around with me as an accessory, or the sub avatars as...
Please read the following statement in the style of an old 40-50's TV Advert Oh no! the Homecoming event is over and little Johnny couldn't...
I decided to check out the big hole in the washington monument in Brainiac DC and found this guy laying in there [IMG] What's this fella doing alll...
I love the area, in our 13 years of the game it's only been used for content twice if i'm not mistaken, the alert and the first portion of the Earth...
I'm trying to complete the seasonal feat for finding Batwoman, I've found Batman just about 10 times now, few Harleys and a Robin but not a single...
Found this unusual, Tried the /flex emote and got the message " you cannot preform this emote right now" in the chat window. tried again after re...
I made the mistake of clicking before reading and never realized these old DLC Collections aren't tradeable. I bought the Shard of Aries crystal for...
We got the smoke and hardlight styles, sparkle and bubble and rainbow, Are there any new ones we might see in the near future? Maybe some colored...
Not sure if this is intended or a bug, but the backpiece to the Ebon set is locked to all colors, and materials. Would like to be able to throw the...
I always enjoyed having my bases in hot zones around Gotham/metro as easy warping to and from, this was before we got some extra warp features added...
As the title states, the extra vendor styles in doomed DC still costs marks of doom instead of source marks
Just a request for the upcoming episode, Would we be able to get a re textured set for the electro static gear for the Dr. fate monthly gear set to...
There seems to be an issue an issue with being able to purchase the Amazon warrior MAT pack and the Antimatter MAT Pack on marketplace. I believe...
I know these come around every year, just got to get it out of my system... :D CHRISTMAS For Christmas this year I'm hoping to see the...
Have the other lantern emblems, Blue, Orange, Black, White been added to the game yet? I've been away for some time and couldn't seem to find a...
Super happy to see the crossfaction styles on it! However... I hope the robot gets replaced with an iconic of sorts ;)
Can I use my normal daybreak account with steam client correct? I'm attempting to use steam link from work to play DC, but I normally use the...
PC PLAYER Because literally ANYTHING will cause a crash for me now adays. Zoning into an instance-Crash (especially talking to monk in metro...
almost 11 years worth of content in this game. I am having so much fun replaying these old instances and having to remember specific mechanics. Its...
Separate names with a comma.