Name The Future Marks

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Ionic, Mar 6, 2013.

  1. PolarisSylar Committed Player

    Marks of Len. .... Wait for it .... Dary.
  2. Volaron New Player

  3. PolarisSylar Committed Player

    I don't know . But so far some interesting names. But they probably have marks in the making named .
  4. Ikyotojin Dedicated Player

    My family learned a long time ago to never let me go first.
  5. Neph Dedicated Player

    Mark of Mark
  6. Old Gravyleg New Player

    You can't have a mark of "Iconic" because iconic is an adjective. You can have a "Mark of Icon" though.
  7. zColdFire New Player

    No more legends Its boring we need a mark of legends ant mark of lores converter!!!!
  8. recespieces31 New Player

    in the future:

    T1000 Gear= Marks of Liquid Metal
  9. WorldsDown New Player

    How about...

    Marks of Jens?

    Marks of Mepps?
    • Like x 1
  10. THE BATWING Dedicated Player

  11. ChaoticBlizzaga New Player

    Marks of Temptation
    Marks of Brilliance
    Marks of Quality
    Marks of Completion
    Marks of Heven
    Marks of Hell
  12. Jurgen Blitz Dedicated Player

  13. Helios The Eternal Flame Dedicated Player

    I would have to agree with the previous posts : Marks of Origin seem appropriate.
  14. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    Marks of Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
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  15. Quagmire New Player

    PVP ; Marks of, hell you dont gear just get 6 pets, orbital strike, supply drop and then pvp! A little long but i think they can do it!:)
    This is DCUO where PVE dominates PVP! And PVP weasels its way into PVE.
    PVP deadzone.

    PVE; Marks of Replay badges to keep up
  16. Lelouch New Player

    wats the point of speculation?
    as entertainment purposes?
    cause by now in the development process, the name of the new marks should already be set in stone....
    • Like x 1
  17. Ionic New Player

    point is to help the devs come up with better names for future marks. they have stated the hardest part for them is coming up with new names. i don't know about you guys, but i did not enjoy the names Mark Of Tactics and Strategy for PvP. PvP marks need to be called something more epic than that.

    PvP Marks
    Marks Of Conquer
    Marks Of Annihilation
    Marks Of Vanquish

    PvE Marks
    Marks Of Honor
    Marks Of Proficiency
    Marks Of Attainment
    Marks Of Matter

    Marks Of Wonder
    Marks Of Idol

    Seasonal Marks
    Mark Of Spooky
    Marks Of Merry
  18. Lelouch New Player

    gotcha makes sense

    i like the Marks of Apocalypse one
  19. Enickma Dedicated Player

    Marks of Enickma.
  20. Lelouch New Player

    Marks of Apocalypse
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