Armory wheel next?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by UnboundHeavenlyDemon, Apr 4, 2023.

  1. UnboundHeavenlyDemon Well-Known Player


    I love the scroll wheel of the emotes and I’m excited for the next episode but there’s something that this emote wheel made me think.Why is this not for armories as well?we can have an armory wheel like this to have more than 4 armories to access.

    What are your thoughts everyone?
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  2. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    I personally don’t need more than 4 armories but you’re right this is a good idea
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  3. Eve YouTuber

    Good idea and I support it.
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  4. UnboundHeavenlyDemon Well-Known Player

    your response should be like that instead of others who shut down any changes they’ll love to see and I applaud you for this response good sir
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  5. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    definitely need a way to select more than 4 at a time. I totally support this
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  6. MystoganJella Well-Known Player

    Very Nice Idea I’m Pretty Sure It Will Get Implemented Eventually In the Game Especially With Them Slowly Adding New Neat Nice QOL Edtions To The Game :)
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  7. beardrive Committed Player

    This needs to be made available during all non-playable moments and without targeting. So when a cutscene happens or something else, this screen is ALWAYS active, so you can change armories before someone dives in right after the cutscene and you get pulled into aggro. Additionally, when you change via this screen, it bypasses ALL targeting including adds which normally during an armory change renders the armory change useless or has you running out of range and up a wall just to change it. GREAT idea!
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  8. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    A while ago one of the devs said they would potentially look into expanding how many armories we could have active at one time. This wheel was something a few including myself have suggested. This is similar to something in warframe where you can scroll through a wheel to select specific gear. I can see this emote wheel to some day be implemented into armories.

    Thou be warned that it could have some issues too. I’m game that have scroll wheels there is usually not any cooldown for using it. If you misclick on the armory you want you may be locked into the wrong set up lol
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  9. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    that toon has a terrible style
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  10. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Would have greatly preferred an Armory Wheel over an Emote Wheel.
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  11. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    I had the same though. ;) :eek: ;)
  12. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    I would buy that for a dollar. ;)

    Something similar for Armories would be greatly appreciated. :)

    And speaking of Armories.... could we have more then 16 Armories per character?? :oops:
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  13. UnboundHeavenlyDemon Well-Known Player

    It looks cool to me :cool:
  14. UnboundHeavenlyDemon Well-Known Player

    that would be cool,up to the devs on how many they can put
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  15. Jcal Dedicated Player

    So "Beg" is common, but "Howdy" is uncommon. Yup, can confirm - I get asked for stuff more than I get a random hello, lol.
  16. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    Exactly. Wheels are not particularly convenient or quick to use on a controller and it's easy to chose the wrong thing, especially if you're in a hurry. It happens to me quite often when trying to open inventory mid-combat and I end up on style tab or map. The current armory select is much more reliable and faster - at least on my PS4. It's immediate, I can use it without even looking and never choose the wrong one.

    So, more armories - sure, why not. A wheel - hell, no. I don't want people trying to switch to healer, or tank, when someone goes down at the end of a long feat run and ending up in their PvPs...

    Instead of a wheel with more options - why don't we just have the ability to select the 4 builds for quick activation without having to go to the base?
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  17. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    I have an armory set just to build sc (no gear just quislet, soul cloak, black adam, and a sc generator) to help build sc in case I get asked to do something as soon as I log in. I left it near my sparring target at my base so I can activate it without it being on my armory set. I’d probably add it to my wheel but would hate to accidentally swap to it in the middle of an important fight lol
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  18. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    If instead of the current d-pad build selection we had a wheel with - say - 8 slots, I'd probably leave half of them blank, just to avoid accidentally pushing the stick a tiny bit in the wrong direction and getting stuck in the wrong build, with a cooldown. And even then the stick sometimes bounces back if my thumb slips, selecting the option opposite the desired one. The selection process itself might take around half a second, if the menu selection wheel is anything to go by, which can make a lot of difference when switching mid-combat, or just before a cutscene (so I can make adjustments, like switching augments or whatever, during it).

    I'm not a fan of selection wheels at the best of times and I don't see why the current system, which has been working fine for 10 years should be messed with. Just give us the tab in the inventory menu for managing armories, so we can slot in our situational builds in the instance, rather than having to go to the base generator.
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  19. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    How about something like Fallout 4's d-pad hotkeys? You can set up to 12 favorites, You press the d-pad button once for the first row of favorites, twice for the second row, or three times for the third row, then press the action button to equip or use it. The cancel button closes the hotkey interface with no changes.

    For example, I keep melee and CQC weapons on the left button, rifles on the up button, pistols on the right button, and healing items on the down button. If I need a stimpack, I press down, then A. To switch to my sniper rifle, I press up 3 times, then A. For my combat shotgun, I press left 2 times, then A. It's a fast and easy way to swap equipment on the fly or during battle, and it doesn't rely on being able to hit diagonal on the d-pad or trying to select anything with the analog stick while holding open the selection wheel.
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  20. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Not a fan as long as we still have the same lockout timers. This might work great for KB/Mouse, but I know when using this feature when going to inventory/map/settings/etc vs using 'option' then pulling off the menu, I've missed by one and gone to the wrong thing. I can see that happening even more if I'm in heated combat and trying to sue one of the 4 diagonal options. As I'm then stuck in whatever armory I'd select...unlike a mistake on the menu selection where I can just tab over one to the right feature...that might be a hassle.

    As a concept....sure, 8 armories would be cool.