Dead King's Scepter

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Thunderstrikke, May 18, 2020.

  1. Thunderstrikke Well-Known Player

    What exactly is "Orbital Assistance"? Other than the item saying you get it "more frequently" at rank 200, I can't find it defined anywhere.

    P.S. And does anyone think this item is good? I rarely see it mentioned as a "go to" DPS artifact. Kinda reluctant to try it since orbital is one of those supercharges that can miss.
  2. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    This is basically a small orbital strike that does damage somewhat frequently. I use the artifact on two characters, and have it at 160 on my main. It's actually taken half the life of a gorilla (in a single strike) while I'm using the sleep gas on it, so it can be fairly strong.

    Edit: I would say the base frequency of orbital assistance is similar to the blast adaptor weapon mod.
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  3. Trexlight Devoted Player

    I would base the frequency as what Stealth said. It truly isnt defined just as most other things in the game.

    Its not a "go to" DPS artifact but it certainly has some flavor. By itself its certainly weak but you'll gain the big benefit of it reducing the CD of Trinket pets/sidekick/backup and your Supply Drop. Because of the Supply Drop CD reduced, it pairs well with Philosopher Stone. Because of the reduce CD on Trinket pets and such, it now pairs very well Source Shard.

    This is one of the Artifacts that works well with others. Because of the Source Shard, Im even working on mine now.
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  4. Thunderstrikke Well-Known Player

    Thanks for the responses. I thought about the Stone pairing idea too and wondered if it was worth it. I'm currently running trans / strat, and the other thread out here discussing the trans effectiveness got me thinking about other ideas and options for DPS artifacts.
  5. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    Orbital Assistance this is additional damage (the strength of the damage depends on your might,can crit) every 20 seconds(about 2.5-4.5% increase to your normal DPS), at level 200 after the Orbital Stricke, you will receive additional damage every 2 and a half seconds (12 Orbital Assistances, it's about a 20% increase in your normal DPS for 30 seconds). In addition, at level 200 you will get a decrease in CD for Orbital Stricke, buf trinkets, combat pets, Supply Drop, as well as an additional tick of the Orbital Stricke (6 in place 5 (20% stronger OS).
  6. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    It has it's uses I like it for my boo family .
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  7. Stanktonia Dedicated Player

    It’s good, it’s actually an underrated art in my opinion. And it can pair well with philosophers stone and source shard. You don’t need trans and strat to do good damage, especially not strat, it’s overrated.
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  8. Thunderstrikke Well-Known Player

    Interesting. Thanks everyone, well, guess I have time to think about it; it won't be until the next 2 xp point sales until I decide,lol
  9. MistahMartini New Player

    thank you for the question and the answers, it also cleared some own questions.
  10. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    Since I have a combat pet, and henchmen, and an orbital strike, and a supply drop, it comes in handy. I wouldn't call it my "go-to" when I'm DPSing, but the slight reduction in cooldowns is nice to have.
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  11. Tiffany6223 Loyal Player

    How do you use it? Equip it & forget it?
  12. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    It's a tac swap. It's only worth using for a few seconds at a time.
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  13. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    That's how I use it. I don't have the dexterity to be switching arts while I'm fighting.
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  14. L T Devoted Player

    It is a popular artifact to swap because you can get a lot of benefit just by equipping it during a cutscene and then swapping it out one time at the beginning of the fight (after you summon pets and use your orbital,etc)
    on the other hand the little mini orbital strikes are fun.
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  15. L T Devoted Player