How to hit cr 368?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by omermmmog, Mar 10, 2023.

  1. omermmmog New Player

    I'm a returning player who is trying to hit max cr and i got all the max generic gear from instances and now i'm at 367 cr.

    I thought i would hit 368 so i could buy gear from kahndaq but i did not, where can i get the last one cr so i can buy kahndaq gear (which is the best i assume)?
  2. Eve YouTuber

    What is your lowest gear level? Usually replacing that would solve the problem.
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  3. omermmmog New Player

    They are all 320 and i can not increase them from instances anymore.
  4. Eve YouTuber

    You'll probably have to buy a few purple gear pieces from Kahndaq, as they will raise your level higher than Ominbus can. (This one you should have access to, unlike the gold gear)
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  5. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Omni gear or scaling gear is set to get you full 320 gear that puts you at barely 1 cr under the requirements of the next dlc. Normally the omni gear will put you at the minimum but the way the gear score works it just happens to be this way from time to time. Here my recommendation:

    Run your current dlc open world missions daily. Even if you are not at the required cr to get the actual gear. This is because the open word missions will give you loot boxes that you can store. These boxes do not open to the cr if when you opened it but to your current cr. Now when you reach full 320 gear you can open the boxes and get the gear from the boxes to push you past 320.

    Once you start doing current dlc missions you’ll be getting current gear that will continue to scale based on your cr to a max item level. When getting gear you’ll get green, blue, and purple gear. If you get a purple or blue gear box to drop save it. Start by only opening up green gear. If you get multiple blue gear of the same type you can open the extras to give you a boost. When you have reach the max item level of green gear you can start opening blue gear and doing the same steps, eventually purple gear too.

    Some things to keep in mind:

    When opening green gear do not just open everything you get as you get it. If you get 3 head pieces back to back they won’t be increases your cr since you already opened it. Save extra pieces of green gear and open the piece that you currently have the lowest item level equipped. For example, if you have a 320 back, 325 head, and 326 waist. Opening another waist won’t do anything for you. But if you save it, you’ll be able to open it when you actually need it. Instead you’ll want to open a back piece first.

    If this is a toon you want to max out, while opening gear save up marks. The first thing you should buy is the OP item for the dlc. This item will be scaling as you feed it so its cr will give you the best form of progression. After the OP item buy your accessories second (weapon, face, rings, necklace, utility belt). And if you want a boost you can buy avatar gear from the broker/quark vendor or fuginat gear from the date vendor (but I don’t really recommend this).
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  6. inferno Loyal Player

    Try to buy a recent time capsule gear from the broker: i.e. sixth dimension kryptonian, two-faced clown, lexcorp overseer and etc... You should be able to get some for around a mil; chest or back pieces will be more expensive.
    Worst come to worst, if you have any quarks from opening time capsules before you left; 120 quarks can get 1 piece of your choice of avatar bombadier.
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  7. Valka Lynx Dedicated Player

    While you can ride Omnibus and events to the end, I think normally you're supposed to at least run previous episode (in this case Dark Knights) and get a gear from there.
    If it's not your fancy, TC gear is the easiest way to skip all of that. :oops:
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  8. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Assuming you are talking about using drop gear only, If you are at 367, you need to run Dark Knights content. The generic gear is max 320, a full set of which SHOULD get you to 368, but if you are just a key piece short, you won't make it off EEG/Event gear. However the Dark Knights purple drops will open to 323 and push you over the edge to 368, probably with any piece (ok, maybe not rings or utility belt), which you can get just doing the dailies or weekly bounties, which are still pretty active.

    Note. If you have not been, you should save your SOBA drop boxes till you hit 368, as if you open at 367, they have event gear...but if you open at 368, they have the SOBA leveling gear and will further increase your CR.
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  9. Illumin411 Loyal Player

  10. Tiffany6223 Loyal Player

    I would suggest getting some pieces of the Avatar Bombardier gear from the Time and Space vendor on the HoL.
  11. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    Check the episode vendor. I know when I got to ~366-367, the Sun God gear had leveled up from the last time I'd looked. Buying a couple of pieces of the Sun God gear was enough to push me to 368.
  12. Bloodwynd71 Active Player

    I ran some alts up to the current DLC. When I had all 320 gear all I needed was the mask from Death Metal to push me over to cr 368.
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