
Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Trended, Feb 8, 2023.

  1. Trended Active Player

    What is the point in playing the game if all content can be beaten with a character that isnt high in cr sp or arts. There is too little incentive to play the game anymore isnt rewarding enough to farm sp cr or arts because we can already beat the content day 1 apart from TSWE plus which was a good raid compared to these new sparing targets labeled as raids.
  2. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Are you asking for them to make more difficult content? It’s hard to track your intention with the amount of non-direct, passive aggressiveness. It’s a video game, you should be able to provide yourself with the incentive to play it.


    I guess congrats on being good?
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  3. VIRALITY Dedicated Player


    But seriously...the devs have been more than accomodating in terms of difficulty levels when it comes to content. Back in the day, it used to be too easy or too hard, depending on who you were running with. (Anyone remember 4-6 hour Paradox/Nexus runs?)

    Nowadays, I think they've gotten a pretty good grasp on various content level difficulties:

    Event = For the noobs or players who want to turn their brain off and just run stuff

    Normal/Reg = For the casual players

    Elite = For the 'more-than-casual' crowd

    Elite+ = For the elite players with maxed out stats that want a challenge

    If all else fails, you can always take a few pieces of gear off and see how that goes for you.
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  4. Proxystar #Perception

    Is this a call for them to make elite+ harder because some people can beat it without artifacts, I'm not sure...
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  5. Limey Committed Player

    When most people get bored of a game, or lose motivation to play, they stop playing.

    I'm not sure why this game specifically attracts so many people that complain about grinding in MMOs or refuse to quit playing when they don't enjoy it anymore...
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  6. not serious Well-Known Player

    It would be fairer to ask the devs to deal with things that are too powerful, that distort their proposed difficulties, rather than imposing too great a difficulty on those who don't use those things that are too powerful.
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  7. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    Sometimes the point isn't whether you can succeed. It's how long it takes for you to do so.
  8. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    I think someone wants Elite Plus to be stat-clamped.
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  9. Plowed In Loyal Player

    …or Meta-ed and Tac-Swapped themself into boredom…
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  10. Dene Devoted Player

    So many came in started playing then came here, complained it wasn't "what they wanted" They thern suggest and pushed fotr things and some were actually taken up on.. but still they complsined

    My opinion was always "ok well GO FIND what you wanted - if this aint it then why ruin it for the rest?"

    OP wants a better challenge.. ok then go find a game that challenges you
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  11. zNot Loyal Player

    Someone using the broken meta complaining about this is so ironic
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  12. lamourboy001 Well-Known Player

    Or ask devs to fix eog spam, arti swap, prec, and the other many 'bugs' and the game won't be so easy anymore.
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  13. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    I hear Darksouls and others are challenging perhaps thats more your speed and not a MMO
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